Course Details Maintenance - Charges tab (Current students)

Use the Charges tab to:

  • view default fees that apply to the student enrolled in the course
  • change the amounts and charge dates that apply
  • view financial details, including what has been charged and is still owed by the debtor
  • add or delete fees from the student's course
  • reload the default fees.

The entries default to the fees, amounts and charge dates set up for the course. See Course Maintenance - Charges tab in the Curriculum manual.

 Opening the Charges tab

To open the Charges tab:

  1. Select Module > Students > Current Student Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Current Student Search Criteria window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the current student functions by clicking .
  2. Search for the student. See Searching for existing students in the Current students manual.
  3. Click the Courses tab.
    The Courses tab of the Current Student Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Select the course to maintain.
  5. Click .
    The Enrolment tab of the Course Details Maintenance window is displayed.
  6. Click the Charges tab.
    The Charges tab of the Course Details Maintenance window is displayed.

    Note: If the student's course status is not set to allow charges, the course charges are not raised. See luStudentCourseStatus lookup table in the System maintenance manual. 

Course Details Maintenance - Charges tab key fields and buttons
Grid area fields



Fee Code

Code for each fee applicable to the selected course and student.
If your organisation engages agents to enrol students in your courses, commission is payable on tuition fees only.

In the example, the:

  • Basic course fee is charged because the fee has a Category of Tuition in Debtor Fee Maintenance
  • Building Voluntary Contribution is not charged because the fee is not a tuition charge.

    See Debtor Fee Maintenance - General tab in the Debtors manual.


Description for the fee.


Amount of the course fee.

Charge Date

Date the charge is issued. If blank, charges are issued as soon as the student's course status allows.

Charge Posting

Posting number of the fee charges.

: This field and the following three are only displayed if the Show Financial field is selected. See the Show Financial field below.


Amount charged to the student's debtor for the course fee. You can type a different value from the course fee (Amount field) if required.


Amount paid to date by the debtor and allocated to the course fee.


Amount owing on the course fee.




Show Financial

Also display financial details about each fee associated with the course.

See Debtor Fee Maintenance - General tab in the Debtors manual.




Launch Debtor Fee Maintenance for the selected fee. See Maintaining debtor fees in the Debtors manual.

Add a new row then type in the fee details.

: Type in the first few letters of the fee code to quickly find the fee.

Delete the selected fee entry.

Move the selected record up one position, if applicable.

Move the selected record down one position, if applicable.

Load the default fees and charges for the course from Course Maintenance.
The following dialog window is displayed.

Click to clear any existing fees from the tab, and load the default fees and charges.
The following example shows the course fees and charges used.

See Course Maintenance - Charges tab in the Curriculum manual.

Common buttons



Launch into Course Maintenance for the current course. See Maintaining courses in the Curriculum manual.