Creating connection to school sections

Creating connection to school sections

You can create the Connection to school section to allow community members to let your organisation know whether they are: 

  • past students 
  • past parents 
  • past staff members 
  • connected in another way. 

Adding the elements

To add the elements: 

  1. Click the Elements tab. See Online form builder - Elements tab.
    The Elements tab is displayed.
  2. Click the Select Controls sub-tab.
    The Select Controls sub-tab is displayed.
  3. Drag and drop four Checkbox input elements into the Connection to school section.

  4. Click the Input Controls sub-tab. 
    The Input Controls tab is displayed. 

  5. Drag and drop a Text input element under each Checkbox input element. 

  6. Click the Select Controls sub-tab.
    The Select Controls sub-tab is displayed.

  7. Drag and drop a single Select input element above the first Text input element. 
    The elements are added.

  8. Click .

Updating the element text

To update the element text:

  1. Click the Properties tab. See Online form builder - Properties tab.
    The Properties tab is displayed.
  2. Select a Checkbox input element. 
  3. Type a label into the Label text field. You can type either:

    • Past student
    • Past parent
    • Past staff
    • Other. 

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all the Checkbox input elements have unique label text. 
  5. Select the Select input element under the Past student checkbox. 
  6. Type Last Year Level into the Label Text field. 
  7. Select the Text input element under the Past student checkbox. 
  8. Type Year Left into the Label Text field. 
  9. Select the Text input element under the Past parent checkbox.
  10. Type Students who attended the school into the Label Text field.

  11. Select the Text input element under the Past staff checkbox. 

  12. Type When did you work at the school? into the Text Label field. 

  13. Select the Text input element under the Other checkbox.

  14. Type Please specify into the Text Label field. 
    The element text is updated. 

  15. Click .

Mapping the elements to Synergetic fields

To map the elements to Synergetic fields:

  1. Click the Properties tab. See Online form builder - Properties tab.
    The Properties tab is displayed.
  2. Select a Checkbox input element. You can select either: 

    • Past student 
    • Past parent 
    • Past staff 
    • Other. 

  3. Select spiOnlinePublicCommunityContactDetails from the Object Mapping drop-down list.

  4. Select the correct option from the Field/Param Mapping field. You can select either: 

    PastStudentFlag for the Past student element 
    • PastParentFlag for the Past parent element 
    • PastStaffFlag for the Past staff element 
    • OtherCommentFlag for the Other element. 

  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until all checkbox fields are mapped to Synergetic fields.

  6. Select the Last Year Level element.
  7. Select spiOnlinePublicCommunityContactDetails from the Object Mapping drop-down list.

  8. Select PastStudentLastYearLevel from the Field/Param Mapping field. 

    Note: Use the luYearLevel lookup table to map to this field using the Data Bind field. 

  9. Select a Text input field. You can select either:

    • Year Left 
    • Students who attended the school 
    • When did you work at the school? 
    • Please specify.

  10. Select spiOnlinePublicCommunityContactDetails from the Object Mapping drop-down list.

  11. Select the correct option from the Field/Param Mapping field. You can select either: 

    • PastStudentYearLeft for the Year Left field 
    • PastParentStudents for the Students who attended the school field 
    • PastStaffYearLeft for the When did you work at the school? field 
    • OtherComments for the Please specify field.

  12. Repeat steps 9 through 11 until all the Text input elements are mapped to Synergetic fields.

  13. Click .

Now we and create the Profile section. See Creating profile sections.