Online form builder - Elements tab

Online form builder - Elements tab

You can use the Elements tab to add elements that define the content of forms.

For example, Select input elements define drop-down lists.

You can select:

  • Page Layout sub-tab to add elements that define the page layout of the form
  • Input Control sub-tab to add elements that allow users to input information
  • Select Control sub-tab to add elements that allow users to select information
  • HTML Elements sub-tab to add HTML content
  • Activity Controls sub-tab to add elements linked to Synergetic activities
  • Other Controls sub-tab to add other elements.

Note: For information about adding elements, see Adding elements. 


 Opening the Elements tab
  1. Log into the Online form builder. See Logging into the Online form builder.
  2. Open a form. See Opening forms.
    The Elements tab of the Online form builder window is displayed.

Online form builder - Elements tab key elements

You can use the following tables to determine the functionality of the elements in each sub-tab.

Page Layout sub-tab elements



Creates a one column page layout panel element that can contain other form elements.

Note: You need to define the page layout before you can add additional elements. See Defining the page layout.

Creates a two column page layout panel element that can contain other form elements.

Note: You need to define the page layout before you can add additional elements. See Defining the page layout.

Input Controls sub-tab elements



Creates a text field that can validate information to ensure users enter correct details.

Note: For information about validation rules, see Applying validation rules.

Creates a button.

You can create:

Creates an expandable text area that can validate information to ensure users enter correct details.

Note: For information about validation rules, see Applying validation rules.

Select Controls sub-tab elements



Creates a drop-down list that can be populated with Synergetic lookup table values.

Note: For information about populating Select input elements with lookup table values, see Populating drop-down lists with Synergetic lookup table values.

Creates a checkbox.

Creates a date picker that also allows the user to select a date from a calendar.

HTML Elements sub-tab elements



Creates an HTML heading.

Creates static formatted text using both quick keys and HTML.

Creates a dividing line to separate content.

Activity Controls sub-tab elements



Creates an activity flag that can be mapped to activities defined in the luActivity lookup table. See luActivity lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

This element is only useful for Application or Enquiry type forms (no Basic forms), as only enquiries and student-like entities have an Activity tab. When the application or enquiry is submitted, the selected activities are created in the future/enquiry student record.

The control can be configured to allow a text box to appear when the user clicks the checkbox. The user's text is added to the comment field in the activity.

Note: For information about mapping Activity Name elements to Synergetic activities, see Mapping activity elements to Synergetic activities.

Address validation controls


Creates a set of address fields that use the Quick Address Validation System (QAS) to ensure only valid addresses are entered.

To search for an address:

  1. Select the country using the Country drop-down list.
  2. Type the address into the Address search field.
    The list of matching addresses is displayed.
  3. Select the address you would like to add.

    Tip: You can narrow search results by typing more details of the address.

    Note: For information about enabling address validation using the Quick Address System (QAS), see Configuring address validation in the Synergetic System maintenance manual.

Other controls sub-tab elements



Creates a file uploader to allows users to attach documents when they complete a form.

Note: You can only have one file uploader.

Only Application form types can accept documents. When the submitted application is transferred to future students, the documents appear on the DocMan tab (viewable in both Synergetic Windows and SynWeb).

Please set up a document classification in the luDocumentClassification for your onlineforms documentation – ensuring a synergy meaning of 'Onlineapplyattach' has been applied. as per screen shot below: