Checking the spelling of work tasks and comments

Checking the spelling of work tasks and comments

The spell check function is used to check the spelling of the text in either the Work tasks or Comments fields. This is useful before emailing the information to the substitute staff member.

To check the spelling of text in the Work tasks or Comments fields:

  1. Click the Spell Check command link above either the Work tasks or Comments field.

    Unlike Synergetic, SynWeb does not have an automatic spell checking feature. To check the spelling of work tasks you need to click the Spell Check link.

    The UltimateSpell window is displayed.
  2. Change or ignore words that are not found in the default dictionary.
  3. Repeat step 2 until there are no more words to process.
    The following dialog window is displayed.
  4. Click .
    Any words that were changed by you are updated in either the Work tasks or Comments field, as applicable.

UltimateSpell window key fields and buttons



Not in dictionary

The word highlighted in red is not in the default dictionary and may be misspelled.

Change to

Suggested alternative word.


List of suggested alternative words.
To select one of the suggested words:

  • select the word in the Suggestions field
  • click .

Command links



Look up my meaning

Link to *


to display the meaning of the selected word in the Suggestions field.
DICTIONARY.COMTM, DOCTOR DICTIONARY®, SPELLING.COMTM and Lexico® are trademarks and, where indicated, registered trademarks of Lexico or its subsidiary.




Ignore the suggested change for the word.
For example, a word commonly used at your organisation is correct but is not in the default dictionary.

Ignore all suggested changes.

Add the word to the dictionary. The word is no longer detected as misspelled.

Change the highlighted word to the correct word in the Change to field.

Change all incorrect words with their recommended changes.

Tip: It is useful to check the text after selecting this option to avoid any unintended changes.

Expand the options area and select to ignore:

  • words in uppercase letters
  • words in mixed case
  • words with numbers
  • repeated words
  • internet addresses
  • email addresses
  • filenames
  • HTML tags.

Accept any changes made and return to the previous window.

Return to the previous window without making any changes.