Creating quick links

Creating quick links

You create quick links to allow users to quickly access important forms on the Online application portal.

To create a quick link:

  1. Publish the online form. See Publishing forms.
    The Publish window is updated.
  2. Click .
  3. Log into Synergetic.
  4. Select Module > System > Lookup Table Maintenance from the main menu.
    Tip: You can also access the System Maintenance functions by clicking .

    The Lookup Table Maintenance window is displayed.
  5. Search for the luOnlineApplicationPortalQuickLink lookup table. See luOnlineApplicationPortalQuickLink lookup table in the System maintenance manual.
    The luOnlineApplicationPortalQuickLink lookup table is displayed.
  6. Click .
    A new record is added to the lookup table.
  7. Type a Code. For example, APP.
  8. Type a Description. For example, Application form.
  9. Paste the publish URL into the URL field.
  10. Type _blank into the Target field to set the quick link to launch the form in a new tab.
  11. Repeat steps 6 through 10 to add additional quick links.
  12. Click.

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