Republishing forms

You can republish an online form to overwrite the existing published version with an updated version.

Note: You will see an error message if the form cannot be published. See Resolving publishing errors.

To republish a form:

  1. Open the form to be republished. See Opening forms.
  2. Click .
    The Publish window is displayed.
  3. Update the first day the form is displayed online using the Published From field, if necessary.
  4. Update the last day the form is displayed online using the Published Until field, if necessary.
  5. Update the URL for the form into the Publish to URL (folder) field, if necessary.

    Note: Update the URL of the Online application portal using the OnlineApplicationsPortal:URL configuration setting. See OnlineApplicationsPortal_URL configuration setting.

  6. Click .
    The following window is displayed.
  7. Click .
    The Publish window is redisplayed.

  8. Publish the form by clicking either:

    • Adding a quick link to the Application portal. See Adding quick links to online forms.
    • Emailing the publish link to users. See Sending emails and SMS messages from grids in the Introduction manual.

    Tip: You can click  to view the published form.

    Note: The following error is displayed if a user tries to open a form not yet published or one that has been unpublished. See Unpublishing forms.