Defining element statuses

Defining element statuses

You can configure status properties to determine whether elements:

  • must be populated by the user prior to form submission
  • display as read-only
  • do not display on the published form.

To define the status of an element:

  1. Click .
  2. Select an element.
    The element editing controls are displayed.
  3. Click . See Online form builder - Properties tab.
    The Properties tab is displayed.
  4. Change the value of either:

    •   to determine whether the user must populate the selected element during form submission
    •  to determine whether the selected element is read-only
    •  to determine whether the selected element is displayed in the published form.

    Tip: You can use the Is Visible property to hide single elements or entire page layout elements. This allows you to design forms for multiple user audiences but publish for a single audience.

  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to define additional element statuses.
  6. Click .