Sending emails using HTML format

Sending emails using HTML format

You can send emails in plain text or in HTML Raw format. HTML Raw format allows you to include:

  • text formatting such as bold, italic, strikethrough and underline
  • different fonts, sizes and colours
  • superscript and subscript text
  • justification and indentation
  • bullets and numbering
  • tables
  • hyperlinks
  • images.

There are three tabs to the HTML Raw email editor. Use the:

  • Design tab to format the email in a "what you see is what you get" editor
  • HTML tab to write the HTML code by hand
  • Preview tab to preview what the email looks like before sending.

Note: Not all email applications support HTML tags. Where HTML is unsupported, the email displays the HTML tags as part of the text. To see how your email would look in an email application that doesn't support HTML, click the HTML tab.

 Opening the HTML Raw format email editor

To open the HTML Raw email editor:

  1. Place the cursor over the community member you want to email to.
  2. Right click.
    The following menu is displayed.
  3. Select Email Selected Record.
    Note: If you want to send the email to everyone in the list, select Email All Records.
    The Send Email window is displayed.
  4. Select HTML Raw (including tags) from the Message Type drop-down list.
    The Design tab of the HTML Raw format email editor is displayed.

HTML Raw format email editor - Design tab key fields and buttons




Font Style

Select the font style you want to use. For example, Heading 1 for a main heading or Normal for regular text.


Select the font you want to use. For example, Arial or Times New Roman.

Font Size

Select the font size you want to use.




Cut the selected text.

Copy the selected text.

Paste text at the cursor position.

Paste text from Microsoft Word at the cursor position.

Undo the last action.

Redo the last undone action.

Remove formatting from the selected text.

Make the selected text superscript.

Make the selected text subscript.

Make the selected text a numbered list.

Make the selected text a bulleted list.

Indent the selected text one level.

Unindent the selected text one level.

Add a hyperlink to the selected text.

Remove a hyperlink from the selected text.

Add a picture at the cursor position.

Add a table.

Expand the message field to fill the browser window.

Bold the selected text.

Italicise the selected text.

Underline the selected text.

Strikethrough the selected text.

Make the selected text left-justified.

Make the selected text centred.

Make the selected text right-justified.

Make the selected text left and right-justified.

Highlight the selected text.

Change the font colour of the selected text.

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