Export RSCOT file (RSCOT)

Export RSCOT file (RSCOT)


Report values

ARecord Type

Export file code.

Note: This value is always "RSCOT".

BProvider CodeProvider code of the school or organisation authorised to offer the Western Australian Certificate of Education.
Key configuration details
CCourse Code

Course code.

Note: The third to the fifth characters of the Board Studies Code are used for the Course Code.

Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Board Studies Code on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
  • The values of the Board Studies Code field are defined using the luBoardStudiesSubjects lookup table. See luBoardStudiesSubjects lookup table.
  • This field has a maximum field length of 10 characters.

Western Australian Student Number (WASN)Candidate number allocated to the student by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
Key configuration details
  • The value is defined using the Studies Code field on the Codes tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Codes tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 15 characters.

Student Family NameSurname of the student taking the class.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Student tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 30 characters.

Student Given NameGiven name of the student taking the class.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the community member information stored on the Student tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - Students tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 30 characters.

Calendar YearCalendar year.
Key configuration details
  • This value is defined using the Year field on the WA SCSA tab of Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab.
  • This value has a maximum field length of 4 characters.
  • This value has the format YYYY.

Academic YearAcademic year.
Key configuration details

Note: SCSA requires this value to be either 10, 11 or 12. This is not enforced in Synergetic, so you must check the export file to ensure no students prior to Year 10 are included.


COAT Criterion 1 MarkMark received by the student for COAT Criterion 1.
Key configuration details
Mandatory (if not absent)
  • Synergetic must be configured to correctly populate this data. See the configuration details below.
  • Once configuration is complete, you can report the Criterion 1 mark for each student by marking classes using Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.
  • This field has a maximum length of 2 characters.

    Note: Marks must be entered for all four Criterion results as well as the Absent result.

    This field must be blank if the COAT Absent Flag (see Column M) is Y.

 View configuration details

You can complete the following configuration steps to:

  • load the CCWACOAT curriculum framework into Synergetic
  • load the CCWACOAT result types into Synergetic
  • link the CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments.

Loading the CCWACOAT curriculum framework

First, we need to load the CCWACOAT curriculum framework to import the learning area data that will be linked to the subject assessment areas. 

Note: You may have already loaded the CCWACOAT curriculum framework.

To load the CCWACOAT Curriculum framework:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance.
    The Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Load/Add Curriculum Framework window is displayed.
  3. Select CCWACOAT using the Framework drop-down list.
  4. Click .
    The curriculum framework is populated.  The Code values must remain as loaded, or RSCOT will fail.

Loading the CCWACOAT result types

To load the CCWACOAT result types:

  1. Select Module > System > Lookup Table Maintenance from the Main menu.
    The Lookup Table Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Search for the luReportResultType lookup table.
  3. Click .
    The Load Lookup Table Data from External Reference Table window is displayed.
  4. Select CCWACOAT using the External Reference Set drop-down list.
  5. Click .
  6. Check that the following rows are present:

Note: The DefaultValue, SynergyMeaning, ResultTypeSort and MaskAutoExpandFlag columns are intentionally blank.

Linking CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments

Lastly, we need to link CCWACOAT learning areas to COAT subject assessment areas.

Once subject assessment areas are linked, the Criterion (columns I to L) and Absent (column M) results can be entered using the All Students tab of Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

To link CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Area Maintenance.
    The Set Subject Assessment Area Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Click .
  3. Select the subject assessment using the Subject Assessment Selector.

    Note: Schools are required to report COAT marks for all Year 12 English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) subject assessments.

  4. Select the subject assessment area to be linked using the Subject Assessment Selector.

    Note: If necessary, you can create a new subject assessment area by right-clicking in the grid area and selecting New... from the displayed menu.

  5. Click the Area tab.
  6. Select the correct result type using the Result Type drop-down list:

    The following options are available:

    - SCSA COAT Criteria: Used to link Criterion 1 to 4 learning areas
    - SCSA COAT Absent: Used to link the Absent learning area.

  7. Click next to the External Link field.
    The CCWA COAT Curriculum Search window is displayed.
  8. Select the required learning area. In this example, Criterion 1.
  9. Click .
  10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 for the remaining subject assessment areas.
  11. Repeat steps 3 to 10 for the remaining subject assessments.

    Note: You can mark classes in Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

COAT Criterion 2 MarkMark received by the student for COAT Criterion 2.
Key configuration details
Mandatory (if not absent)
  • Synergetic must be configured to correctly populate this data. See the configuration details below.
  • Once configuration is complete, you can report the Criterion 2 mark for each student by marking classes using Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.
  • This field has a maximum length of 2 characters.

    Marks must be entered for all four Criterion results as well as the Absent result.

    This field must be blank if the COAT Absent Flag (see Column M) is Y.

 View configuration details

You can complete the following configuration steps to:

  • load the CCWACOAT curriculum framework into Synergetic
  • load the CCWACOAT result types into Synergetic
  • link the CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments.

Loading the CCWACOAT curriculum framework

First, we need to load the CCWACOAT curriculum framework to import the learning area data that will be linked to the subject assessment areas. 

Note: You may have already loaded the CCWACOAT curriculum framework.

To load the CCWACOAT Curriculum framework:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance.
    The Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Load/Add Curriculum Framework window is displayed.
  3. Select CCWACOAT using the Framework drop-down list.
  4. Click .
    The curriculum framework is populated.  The Code values must remain as loaded, or RSCOT will fail.

Loading the CCWACOAT result types

To load the CCWACOAT result types:

  1. Select Module > System > Lookup Table Maintenance from the Main menu.
    The Lookup Table Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Search for the luReportResultType lookup table.
  3. Click .
    The Load Lookup Table Data from External Reference Table window is displayed.
  4. Select CCWACOAT using the External Reference Set drop-down list.
  5. Click .
  6. Check that the following rows are present:

Note: The DefaultValue, SynergyMeaning, ResultTypeSort and MaskAutoExpandFlag columns are intentionally blank.

Linking CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments

Lastly, we need to link CCWACOAT learning areas to COAT subject assessment areas.

Once subject assessment areas are linked, the Criterion (columns I to L) and Absent (column M) results can be entered using the All Students tab of Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

To link CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Area Maintenance.
    The Set Subject Assessment Area Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Click .
  3. Select the subject assessment using the Subject Assessment Selector.

    Note: Schools are required to report COAT marks for all Year 12 English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) subject assessments.

  4. Select the subject assessment area to be linked using the Subject Assessment Selector.

    Note: If necessary, you can create a new subject assessment area by right-clicking in the grid area and selecting New... from the displayed menu.

  5. Click the Area tab.
  6. Select the correct result type using the Result Type drop-down list:

    The following options are available:

    - SCSA COAT Criteria: Used to link Criterion 1 to 4 learning areas
    - SCSA COAT Absent: Used to link the Absent learning area.

  7. Click next to the External Link field.
    The CCWA COAT Curriculum Search window is displayed.
  8. Select the required learning area. In this example, Criterion 2.
  9. Click .
  10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 for the remaining subject assessment areas.
  11. Repeat steps 3 to 10 for the remaining subject assessments.

    Note: You can mark classes in Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

COAT Criterion 3 MarkMark received by the student for COAT Criterion 3.
Key configuration details
Mandatory (if not absent)
  • Synergetic must be configured to correctly populate this data. See the configuration details below.
  • Once configuration is complete, you can report the Criterion 3 mark for each student by marking classes using Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.
  • This field has a maximum length of 2 characters.

    Note: Marks must be entered for all four Criterion results as well as the Absent result.

    This field must be blank if the COAT Absent Flag (see Column M) is Y.

 View configuration details

You can complete the following configuration steps to:

  • load the CCWACOAT curriculum framework into Synergetic
  • load the CCWACOAT result types into Synergetic
  • link the CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments.

Loading the CCWACOAT curriculum framework

First, we need to load the CCWACOAT curriculum framework to import the learning area data that will be linked to the subject assessment areas. 

Note: You may have already loaded the CCWACOAT curriculum framework.

To load the CCWACOAT Curriculum framework:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance.
    The Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Load/Add Curriculum Framework window is displayed.
  3. Select CCWACOAT using the Framework drop-down list.
  4. Click .
    The curriculum framework is populated.  The Code values must remain as loaded, or RSCOT will fail.

Loading the CCWACOAT result types

To load the CCWACOAT result types:

  1. Select Module > System > Lookup Table Maintenance from the Main menu.
    The Lookup Table Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Search for the luReportResultType lookup table.
  3. Click .
    The Load Lookup Table Data from External Reference Table window is displayed.
  4. Select CCWACOAT using the External Reference Set drop-down list.
  5. Click .
  6. Check that the following rows are present:

Note: The DefaultValue, SynergyMeaning, ResultTypeSort and MaskAutoExpandFlag columns are intentionally blank.

Linking CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments

Lastly, we need to link CCWACOAT learning areas to COAT subject assessment areas.

Once subject assessment areas are linked, the Criterion (columns I to L) and Absent (column M) results can be entered using the All Students tab of Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

To link CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Area Maintenance.
    The Set Subject Assessment Area Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Click .
  3. Select the subject assessment using the Subject Assessment Selector.

    Note: Schools are required to report COAT marks for all Year 12 English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) subject assessments.

  4. Select the subject assessment area to be linked using the Subject Assessment Selector.

    Note: If necessary, you can create a new subject assessment area by right-clicking in the grid area and selecting New... from the displayed menu.

  5. Click the Area tab.
  6. Select the correct result type using the Result Type drop-down list:

    The following options are available:

    - SCSA COAT Criteria: Used to link Criterion 1 to 4 learning areas
    - SCSA COAT Absent: Used to link the Absent learning area.

  7. Click next to the External Link field.
    The CCWA COAT Curriculum Search window is displayed.
  8. Select the required learning area. In this example, Criterion 3.
  9. Click .
  10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 for the remaining subject assessment areas.
  11. Repeat steps 3 to 10 for the remaining subject assessments.

    Note: You can mark classes in Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

COAT Absent FlagWhether the student was absent during the reporting period.
Key configuration details
  • Synergetic must be configured to correctly populate this data. See the configuration details below.  Specifically, the Absent Criteria Code must exist.
  • Once configuration is complete, you can report the Absent Status for each student by marking classes using Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.
  • This field has a value of:

    - Y when the student was absent
    - N when the student was not absent.

    Note: Criterion 1 to 3 fields must be blank if the COAT Absent Flag is Y.

 View configuration details

You can complete the following configuration steps to:

  • load the CCWACOAT curriculum framework into Synergetic
  • load the CCWACOAT result types into Synergetic
  • link the CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments.

Loading the CCWACOAT curriculum framework

First, we need to load the CCWACOAT curriculum framework to import the learning area data that will be linked to the subject assessment areas. 

Note: You may have already loaded the CCWACOAT curriculum framework.

To load the CCWACOAT Curriculum framework:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance.
    The Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Load/Add Curriculum Framework window is displayed.
  3. Select CCWACOAT using the Framework drop-down list.
  4. Click .
    The curriculum framework is populated.  The Code values must remain as loaded, or RSCOT will fail.

Loading the CCWACOAT result types

To load the CCWACOAT result types:

  1. Select Module > System > Lookup Table Maintenance from the Main menu.
    The Lookup Table Maintenance window is displayed.
  2. Search for the luReportResultType lookup table.
  3. Click .
    The Load Lookup Table Data from External Reference Table window is displayed.
  4. Select CCWACOAT using the External Reference Set drop-down list.
  5. Click .
  6. Check that the following rows are present:

Note: The DefaultValue, SynergyMeaning, ResultTypeSort and MaskAutoExpandFlag columns are intentionally blank.

Linking CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments

Lastly, we need to link CCWACOAT learning areas to COAT subject assessment areas.

Once subject assessment areas are linked, the Criterion (columns I to L) and Absent (column M) results can be entered using the All Students tab of Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

To link CCWACOAT learning areas to subject assessments:

  1. Select Module > Assessments > Subject Assessment Area Maintenance.
    The Set Subject Assessment Area Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Click .
  3. Select the subject assessment using the Subject Assessment Selector.

    Note: Schools are required to report COAT marks for all Year 12 English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) subject assessments.

  4. Select the subject assessment area to be linked using the Subject Assessment Selector.

    Note: If necessary, you can create a new subject assessment area by right-clicking in the grid area and selecting New... from the displayed menu.

  5. Click the Area tab.
  6. Select the correct result type using the Result Type drop-down list:

    The following options are available:

    - SCSA COAT Criteria: Used to link Criterion 1 to 3 learning areas
    - SCSA COAT Absent: Used to link the Absent learning area.

  7. Click next to the External Link field.
    The CCWA COAT Curriculum Search window is displayed.
  8. Select the required learning area. In this example, Criterion 3.
  9. Click .
  10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 for the remaining subject assessment areas.
  11. Repeat steps 3 to 10 for the remaining subject assessments.

    Note: You can mark classes in Student Results Maintenance. See Student Results Maintenance - All Students tab.

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