Column | Heading | Description |
A | DET School Code | Not used. |
B | VCAA School Code | School code assigned to your organisation. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using School Code field on the VASS tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - VASS tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 5 characters.
C | VCAA Student Number | Not used. |
D | External Student Number | Synergetic ID of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined when the student is created in Synergetic. See Creating new students.
- Synergetic IDs are displayed in the top-right corner of Current Student Maintenance.
- This field is alphanumeric and has a maximum field length of 12 characters.
E | Family Name | Surname of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the Surname field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
- This field only supports letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and single spaces.
- This field has a maximum field length of 25 characters.
F | First Name | Given name of the student. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using the first text box of the Given field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
- This field only supports letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and single spaces.
- This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
G | Second Name | Middle name of the student. |
Configuration |
Optional |
- This field is defined using the second text box of the Given field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab
- This field only supports letters, hyphens, apostrophes, and single spaces.
- This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
H | Unit Code or VET/VCAL Certificate code, VCAL Unit Code | Code allocated to the class by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Note: This must be a valid VCAA, VET or VCAL code. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field value is defined using the Board Studies Code field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 15 characters.
I | Class Code | Unique identifier for the class. Important: This must be set up in the Victorian Assessment Software System (VASS). For information about setting up classes in VASS, consult the new users guide. See Using the Victorian Assessment Software System (VASS). |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field value is defined using the Class ID field on the General tab of Class Maintenance. See Class Maintenance - General tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 2 characters.
J | DET Assessing School Code | Not used. |
K | VCAA Assessing School Code | School code assigned to your organisation. |
Configuration |
Mandatory |
- This field is defined using School Code field on the VASS tab of the Import/Export Student Data window. See Import_Export Student Data - VASS tab.
- This field has a maximum field length of 5 characters.
L | Focus Area | Specific focus area of the class. Important: This field is Mandatory for: • Units MC033/4, MC053/4, IT033/4 and TT033/4 • VET Certificates: VE1, VE2 and VE3 |
Configuration |
Optional |