Verifying online payments using Cash Receipts Entry

To verify test online payments using Cash Receipt Entry:

  1. Open Synergetic.
  2. Select Modules > Debtors > Cash Receipts Entry.
    The Select Cash Receipts to process window is displayed.
  3. Select the Online Receipts Import entry for the day payments were processed.
    Tip: You might not have live receipt creation enabled if you cannot see the online payment receipt immediately after processing the payment. See Configuring live receipt creation.
  4. Click .
    The Cash Receipts Entry window is displayed.
  5. Click .
  6. Click.
    The Audit Print report launches.
  7. Verify processed account payments in the Audit Print report listing.

    You can also verify account and other payments by viewing the Online Receipts List Crystal Report. See Viewing the Online Receipts List report