Enabling online payment tabs on the Community Portal

There are five tabs used for receiving online payments. You can enable:

  • Events tab to receive event payments
  • Excursions tab to receive excursion payments
  • Finance tab to receive debtor account payments
  • Make an Account Payment tab to receive debtor account payments
  • Payments tab to receive payments for all online payment categories.

To enable online payment tabs on the Community Portal:

  1. Log into the Community Portal.
  2. Click Configuration in the Admin panel.

    Tip: You can grant users access to the Admin panel using the SYS|CommunityPortalAdminPanel security permission. See Group Security Maintenance - Groups View in the System maintenance manual.
    The Main Menu Configuration Tool window is displayed.
  3. Select one the following tabs in the Menu Items area:
     Make an Account Payment
     Select the EnabledFlag menu item attribute.
  4. Select the Value field.
  5. Click .
    The selected tab is enabled on the Community Portal.
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to enable additional online payment tabs.