Defining ticket types, costs and other attributes

Defining ticket types, costs and other attributes

To define the ticket types and ticket prices or to create other useful attributes for the event:

  1. Open the Attributes tab of the Events Maintenance window. See Events Maintenance - Attributes tab.
  2. Click  to add a ticket type or other attribute to the event.
    The Select Attributes to Add to Event window is displayed.
    Note: The attributes in this window are defined on the Event Master Attributes window. To navigate to this window, click on the Attributes tab. See Maintaining the list of master attributes
  3. Highlight the attribute you want to add.

    You can select several attributes at once by holding down either the Ctrl or Shift keys when you click on each attribute to select it. 

  4. Click .
    You return to the Attributes tab. 
  5. Change the Price field if required for any tickets you have added to the event.
    The tickets and prices you have defined appear on the Event tab of the Event Maintenance window.

    The other attributes you have selected for this event appear on the:
  • Events Maintenance - Current Attendees - Attendee Details - Tickets sub-sub-tab.
  • Events Maintenance - Current Attendees - Attendee Details - Attributes sub-sub-tab.

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