Versions Compared


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Use the Interface Settings window to configure Use the Interface Settings window to configure Synergetic to interface with external systems including:


titleOpening the Interface Settings window

To open the Interface Settings window:

  1. Click Module > System > Interface Settings.
    The Interface Settings window is displayed.
  2. Select the external system from the drop-down list.

    The Interface Settings window is displayed.

    Tip: Some settings are duplicated in different sections of the settings tree. You will see multiple settings highlighted in green when a setting with a duplicate is selected. 

Interface Settings window key fields and buttons



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Select the external system from the drop-down list.

Note: The external systems displayed depends on the state where your organisation is located and the modules purchased.

Selecting an external system populates the page tree with all the settings for the selected external system. For information about the settings in each external system, see the relevant sections below.

External systemDescription

ACARA - Australian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the Student Background Data File export. See Exporting the Student Background Data file.

titleClick to view ACARA settings


Lists the outbound lookup tables used for mapping outbound Synergetic lookup table values to ACARA values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luGenderSee luGender lookup table.
luLanguageSee luLanguage lookup table.
luYearLevelSee luYearLevel lookup table.

ACTEDUDIR - ACT Government Education Directorate

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to Australian Capital Territory Education Directorate values.

Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
RegionCode configuration setting to ACT. See RegionCode configuration setting.

titleClick to view ACTEDUDIR settings


Lists the outbound lookup tables used for mapping outbound Synergetic lookup table values to ACT Government Education Directorate values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luGenderSee luGender lookup table.

ACTGOVDEMO - ACT  Government Demographic Data Collection

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the ACT Demographic and NAPLAN exports. See:

Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
RegionCode configuration setting to ACT. See RegionCode configuration setting.

titleClick to view ACTGOVDEMO settings


Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to ACT Demographic export values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luGenderSee luGender lookup table.
luYearLevelSee luYearLevel lookup table.

AUSGOVNGSC - Department of Education, Skills and Employment (Schools Hub) - NGSCAPIClients - API Clients

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the Student Census - Australian Non-Governmental Schools reportconfigure clients that allow users to access the Synergetic API Portal. See /wiki/spaces/SYNWEB/pages/2290128237.

titleClick to view AUSGOVNGSC APIClient settings

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Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to Student Census - Australian Non-Governmental Schools values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luYearLevelSee luYearLevel lookup table.
AUSGOVSTATS - Commonwealth Governments Student Attendance Collection
Name of the API client. This field is editable.

Unique identifier.

The GUID and shared secret values (see below) are submitted as parameters in POST Authentication requests to return an authentication token that is used to validate API calls.

Important: You must ensure the security of these values. If these values are leaked, people outside your organisation can submit POST Authentication requests to gain access to your data.

Shared secret

Unique cryptographic key.

The GUID and shared secret values (see below) are submitted as parameters in POST Authentication requests to return an authentication token that is used to validate API calls.

Important: You must ensure the security of these values. If these values are leaked, people outside your organisation can submit POST Authentication requests to gain access to your data. 


Buttons and slidersDescription
Image Added
Click to enable or disable the selected API client.
Image Added
Click to copy the shared secret.

AUSGOVNGSC - Department of Education, Skills and Employment (Schools Hub) - NGSC

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the Student Census - Australian Non-Governmental Schools report.

titleClick to view AUSGOVNGSC settings

Image Added


Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to Student Census - Australian Non-Governmental Schools values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luYearLevelSee luYearLevel lookup table.

AUSGOVSTATS - Commonwealth Governments Student Attendance Collection

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the STATS export. See Import_Export Student Data - STATS tab.

titleClick to view AUSGOVSTATS settings

Image Added


Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to STATS values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables

See luGender lookup table.


See luYearLevel lookup table

Note: You need to clear the IncludeInCensusFlag on the luYearLevel lookup table for Preparatory and Senior Kindergarten prior to running the STATS export.

CESA - Student Religion Census

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the CESA export. See Import_Export Student Data - CESA tab.

Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
RegionCode configuration setting to SA. See RegionCode configuration setting.

titleClick to view CESA settings

Image Added


Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to CESA values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luReligionSee luReligion lookup table.
luYearLevelSee luYearLevel lookup table.


Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the CSNSW export. See Import_Export Student Data - CSNSW tab.

Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
RegionCode configuration setting to NSW. See RegionCode configuration setting.

titleClick to view CSNSW settings

Image Added


Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to LEA values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luReligionSee luReligion lookup table.
luYearLevelSee luYearLevel lookup table.


Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the STATS LEA export. See Import_Export Student Data - STATS LEA tab.

titleClick to view AUSGOVSTATS LEVNT settings

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Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to STATS LEA values. See See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luGenderluReligionSee luGender luReligion lookup table.
luYearLevelSee luYearLevel lookup tableNote: You need to clear the IncludeInCensusFlag on the luYearLevel lookup table for Preparatory and Senior Kindergarten prior to running the STATS export luYearLevel lookup table.

myEdOnline - myEdOnline

Select this external system to configure access to the myEdOnline eLearning platform.

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the LEVNT export. See Import_Export Student Data - LEA tab
titleClick to view myEdOnline settings



myEdOnline School Code

Used to define the school code supplied by myEdOnline for identifying your organisationmyEdOnline for identifying your organisation.

Note: This is the same functionality as the myEdOnline:SchoolCode configuration setting. See MyEdOnline:SchoolCode configuration setting.

myEdOnline URL

Used to store the callback endpoint used when launching MyEdOnline via Synergetic.

Important: This topic is for reference purposes only. You must not change this value as it may affect how Synergetic integrates with MyEdOnline.

Note: This is the same functionality as the myEdOnline:SchoolCode URL configuration setting. See MyEdOnline:SchoolCode URL configuration setting.

myEdOnline URLAuthorisation TokenUsed to store the callback endpoint used when launching MyEdOnline via Synergetic.

Important: This topic is for reference purposes only. You must not change this value as it may affect how Synergetic integrates with MyEdOnline.

Note: This is the same functionality as the myEdOnline:URL configuration setting. See MyEdOnline:URL configuration setting.

myEdOnline Authorisation TokenUsed to generate and store the myEdOnline authorisation token.
generate and store the myEdOnline authorisation token.

NSWGOVDEMO - New South Wales Government Demographic Data Collection

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the NSW Demographic and NAPLAN exports. See:

Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
RegionCode configuration setting to NSW. See RegionCode configuration setting.

titleClick to view LEVNT NSWGOVDEMO settings

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Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to NSW Demographic values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luReligionluGenderSee luReligion luGender lookup table.
luYearLevelSee luYearLevel lookup table.

NSWGOVDEMO - New South Wales NTGOVDEMO - NT Government Demographic Data Collection

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the NSW NT Demographic and NAPLAN exports. See:

Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
RegionCode configuration setting to NSW NT. See RegionCode configuration setting.

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the NT Demographic and NAPLAN exports. See:

Note: You can view this external system by configuring:
CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
RegionCode configuration setting to NT. See RegionCode configuration setting
titleClick to view NSWGOVDEMO NTGOVDEMO settings

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Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to NSW Demographic demographic values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luGenderSee luGender lookup table.
luRelationshipSee luGender luRelationship lookup table.
NTGOVDEMO - NT Government Demographic Data Collection
luYearLevelSee luYearLevel lookup table.

NZMOE - New Zealand Ministry of Education

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the MOE exports. See Import_Export Student Data - MOE tab.

titleClick to view NTGOVDEMO settings

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Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to demographic NZMOE values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luGenderSee luGender lookup table.
luRelationshipSee luRelationship lookup table.
luYearLevelSee luYearLevel lookup table.

NZMOE - New Zealand Ministry of EducationQAS - QAS Validation Provider

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the MOE exports. See Import_Export Student Data - MOE tabto configure address validation using the Quick Address System (QAS).

titleClick to view NTGOVDEMO QAS settings
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Base Address Validation Settings

Select this external system to configure address validation using the Quick Address System (QAS).

titleClick to view QAS settings

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Base Address Validation Settings




Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to NZMOE values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

Outbound lookup tables
luGenderSee luGender lookup table.
QAS - QAS Validation Provider



Address Validation Confirmation AlertDetermines whether confirmation messages are displayed when addresses are validatedAddress Validation Confirmation Alert

Determines whether confirmation messages are displayed when addresses are validated.

Note: This is the same functionality as the AddressValidation:ConfirmOnValidation configuration setting. See AddressValidation:ConfirmOnValidation configuration setting.

Address Validation is Enabled

Determines whether address validation is enabled.

Note: This is the same functionality as the AddressValidation:EnabledFlag configuration setting. See AddressValidation:EnabledFlag configuration setting.

Address Validation is Enabled for Community Portal

Determines whether address validation is enabled for the Community portal.

Note: This is the same functionality as the Module:CommunityPortal configuration setting. See Module:CommunityPortal configuration setting.

Address Validation is Enabled for Online Applications

Determines whether address validation is enabled for Online applications.

Note: This is the same functionality as the AddressValidationModule:ConfirmOnValidation OnlineApplications configuration setting. See AddressValidationModule:ConfirmOnValidation OnlineApplications configuration setting.

Address Validation is Enabled for SynWeb

Determines whether address validation is enabled for SynWeb.

Note: This is the same functionality as the AddressValidationModule:EnabledFlagSynWeb configuration setting. See AddressValidationModule:EnabledFlag SynWeb configuration setting.

Address Validation is Enabled for Community Portal Windows

Determines whether address validation is enabled for the Community portalWindows.

Note: This is the same functionality as the Module:CommunityPortal Windows configuration setting. See Module:CommunityPortal Windows configuration setting.

Address Validation

is Enabled for Online Applications Determines whether address validation is enabled for Online applications

Provider settings



Address Validation Provider Authorisation Token

Defines the authorisation token of the address validation provider.

Note: This is the same functionality as the




AuthToken configuration setting. See




AuthToken configuration setting.

Address Validation
is Enabled for SynWeb Determines whether address validation is enabled for SynWeb
Provider Name

Defines the name of the address validation provider.

Note: This is the same functionality as the




Name configuration setting. See




Name configuration setting.

Address Validation
is Enabled for WindowsDetermines whether address validation is enabled for Windows
Provider Password

Defines the password of the address validation provider.

Note: This is the same functionality as the




Password configuration setting. See




Password configuration setting.

Address Validation Provider



Address Validation Provider Authorisation TokenDefines the authorisation token of Result Limit

Defines the number of results returned from the address validation providersearch.

Note: This is the same functionality as the Provider:AuthToken ResultLimit configuration setting. See Provider:AuthToken ResultLimit configuration setting.

Address Validation Provider NameTimeout

Defines the name amount of time in milliseconds before the address validation providersearch is aborted.

Note: This is the same functionality as the Provider:Name Timeout configuration setting. See Provider:Name Timeout configuration setting.

Address Validation Provider PasswordURL

Defines the password URL of the address validation provider.

Note: This is the same functionality as the Provider:Password URL configuration setting. See Provider:Password URL configuration setting.

Address Validation Provider Result LimitUserName

Defines the number username of results returned from the address validation searchprovider.

Note: This is the same functionality as the Provider:ResultLimit configuration setting. See Provider:ResultLimit configuration setting.

Address Validation Provider Timeout

Defines the amount of time in milliseconds before the address validation search is aborted.

Note: This is the same functionality as the Provider:Timeout configuration setting. See Provider:Timeout configuration setting.

Address Validation Provider URL

Defines the URL of the address validation provider.

Note: This is the same functionality as the Provider:URL configuration setting. See Provider:URL configuration setting.

Address Validation Provider UserName

Defines the username of the address validation provider.

Note: This is the same functionality as the Provider:AuthToken configuration setting. See Provider:Username configuration setting.

QAS Versions settings

AuthToken configuration setting. See Provider:Username configuration setting.

QAS Versions settings

OutboundLists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to QAS values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.
Outbound lookup tables

See luCountry lookup table.

QCAA - Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the QCAA export and QLD Demographic export. See:

Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
RegionCode configuration setting to QLD. See RegionCode configuration setting.

See luCountry
titleClick to view QCAA settings

Image Added

OutboundLists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to
QCAA values. See Configuring external
system lookup table mapping.
Outbound lookup tables
system lookup table mapping.
Outbound lookup tables
luCountrySee luCountry lookup table.
luGenderSee luGender lookup table.
luLanguageSee luLanguage lookup table.
luLearningPathwaySee luLearningPathway lookup table.
luStateSee luState lookup table.

QCAA QCAANAPLAN - Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority - for NAPLAN

Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the QCAA export and QLD Demographic QLD NAPLAN export. See :

  • /wiki/spaces/PRD/pages/2347864578
  • Import_Export Student Data -


    NAPLAN tab.

    Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

    CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
    RegionCode configuration setting to QLD. See RegionCode configuration setting.

    See luState
    titleClick to view QCAA QCAANAPLAN settings

    Image RemovedImage Added


    Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to


    NAPLAN values. See Configuring external

    system lookup table mapping.
    Outbound lookup tables
    luCountrySee luCountry lookup table.
    luGenderSee luGender lookup table.
    luLanguageSee luLanguage lookup table.
    luLearningPathwaySee luLearningPathway lookup table.

    system lookup table mapping.

    Outbound lookup tables
    luGenderSee luGender lookup table.

    QCAANAPLAN - Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority - for NAPLANSACE - South Australian Certificate of Education

    Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the QLD NAPLAN SACE export. See  See Import_Export Student Data - NAPLAN tab.Note: You can view this external system by configuring:
    CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
    RegionCode configuration setting to QLD. See RegionCode configuration settingSACE tab.

    titleClick to view QCAANAPLAN SACE settings

    Image RemovedImage Added


    Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to NAPLAN SACE values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

    Outbound lookup tables
    luGenderSee luGender lookup table.

    SACE SAGOV - South Australian Certificate of EducationGovernment
    Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the SACE exportSee  Persistent Non-Attendance report. See Import_Export Student Data - SACE SA GOV tab.

    Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

    CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
    RegionCode configuration setting to SA. See RegionCode configuration setting.

    titleClick to view SACE SAGOV settings

    Image RemovedImage Added


    Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to SACE demographic values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

    Outbound lookup tables
    luGenderluAbsenceTypeSee luGender luAbsenceType lookup table.

    SAGOVDEMO - South Australian Government Demographic Data Collection

    Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the SA Demographic and NAPLAN exports. See:

    Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

    CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
    RegionCode configuration setting to SA. See RegionCode configuration setting.

    titleClick to view SAGOVDEMO settings


    Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to demographic values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

    Outbound lookup tables
    luGenderSee luGender lookup table.

    SIF - Systems Interoperability Framework

    Select this external system to configure Synergetic to access data using the Systems Interoperability Framework (SIF).

    titleClick to view SIF settings

    Base SIF settings



    Enable the SIF Consumer Service

    Determines whether Synergetic can request data from other applications in SIF format.

    Default Data Model VersionDefines the data model version used if no version is provided by the consumer application when requests are made to the SIF Provider Service.
    Maximum Record to RetrieveDefines the maximum number of records to retrieve in a single request.
    SIF Provider ServiceDisplay SIF Provider Service settings. See SIF Provider Service settings (below).
    SIF Architecture

    Defines the system architecture used for SIF requests.

    SIF is Enabled

    Determines whether SIF is enabled.

    Note: This is the same functionality as the SIF:Enable configuration setting. See SIF:Enable configuration setting.

    SIF Provider Service settings



    Person Picture

    Defines the picture of a student, student contact or a staff member.

    Note: Pictures are saved in the Synergetic Photo Maintenance window. See Photo Maintenance window.

    Enable the SIF Provider ServiceDetermines whether the SIF Provider Service is enabled to allow other applications to request data in the SIF format.
    SchoolInfoView school information settings.
    SchoolInfo Settings
    Enable SchoolInfoUsed to determine whether details about your organisation and its campuses can be provided to other applications.
    StaffAssignmentView staff assignment (job position) settings.
    StaffAssignment settings
    Enable StaffAssignment

    Used to determine whether details about staff member job positions within your organisation can be provided to other applications.

    Note: This does not provide personal details.

    StaffPersonalView personal settings for staff members.
    StaffPersonal settings
    Full Name for StaffPersonal

    Used to define the field used to populate requests for staff member names. You can select:

    • LegalFullName
    • NameInternal
    • NameExternal
    • MailNamePrimary.
    Enable StaffPersonalUsed to determine whether personal details of staff members employed at your organisation can be provided to other applications.
    StudentAttendanceTimeListView student attendance time settings.
    StudentAttendanceTimeList settings
    Enable StudentAttendanceTimeListUsed to determine whether more detailed information about student attendance throughout the day can be provided to other applications.
    StudentContactPersonalView student contact personal settings.
    StudentContactPersonal settings
    Full Name for StudentContactPersonalUsed to define the field used to populate requests for student contact names. You can select:
    • LegalFullName
    • NameInternal
    • NameExternal
    • MailNamePrimary.
    EnableStudentContactPersonalUsed to determine whether personal details of student contacts of students attending at your organisation can be provided to other applications.
    StudentContactRelationshipView relationship settings for student contacts.
    StudentContactRelationship settings
    Enable StudentContactRelationshipUsed to determine whether personal details of staff members employed at your organisation can be provided to other applications.
    StudentPersonalView personal settings for students.
    StudentPersonal settings
    Full Name for StudentPersonalUsed to define the field used to populate requests for students.
    Enable StudentPersonal

    Used to determine whether details about relationships between students and student contacts can be provided to other applications.

    Note: This does not include personal details of the student or student contact.

    StudentSchoolEnrolmentView student enrolment settings.
    StudentSchoolEnrolment settings
    Enable StudentSchoolEnrolmentUsed to determine whether details about student enrolment at your organisation can be provided to other applications.
    TeachingGroupView teaching group settings that relate to classes and the students and teachers involved in each class.
    TeachingGroup settings
    Enable TeachingGroupUsed to determine whether details about classes taught at your organisation including teachers and students involved in each class can be provided to other applications.

    School-Info settings



    Local ID

    View settings related to your organisations local ID.

    Note: This is the CEOM number for Catholic schools.

    Local ID settings
    Enable StudentSchoolEnrolmentSee the StudentSchoolEnrolment setting.
    Ref ID

    View settings related to your organisation's unique reference identifier.

    Ref ID settings
    Full Name for Student PersonalSee the Full Name for StudentPersonal setting.
    Enable StudentPersonalSee the Enable StudentPersonal setting.
    School Sector TypeView settings related to your organisation's school sector. For example, Non-Government.
    School Sector Type settings
    Enable Teaching GroupSee the Enable TeachingGroup setting.

    SIF Versions settings



    SIF ConsumersLists SIF consumers registered to request your organisation's mapped lookup table values.


    Lists the inbound lookup tables used to map inbound SIF values to Synergetic lookup tables values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

    Inbound lookup tables


    See luAbsenceReason lookup table.


    See luAbsenceType lookup table.


    This lookup table is not editable in Lookup Table Maintenance.


    Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to SIF values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

    Outbound lookup tables


    See luAbsenceReason lookup table.


    See luAbsenceType lookup table.


    See luBoarder lookup table.


    See luCitizenshipStatus lookup table.


    See luCountry lookup table.


    See luESLProficiencyLevel lookup table.


    See luEthnicGroup lookup table


    See luGender lookup table.


    See luImmunisationFormStatus lookup table.


    See luLanguage lookup table.


    See luMaritalStatus lookup table.


    See luOccupationPosition lookup table.


    See luQualificationLevel lookup table.


    See luRelationship lookup table.


    See luReligion lookup table.


    See luStaffCategory lookup table.


    See luState lookup table.


    See luStudentLeavingReason lookup table.


    See luStudentStatus lookup table.


    See luVISASubclasses lookup table.


    See luYearLevel lookup table.

    TASGOVDEMO - Tasmanian Government Demographic Data Collection

    Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the TAS Demographic and NAPLAN exports. See:

    Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

    CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
    RegionCode configuration setting to TAS. See RegionCode configuration setting.

    titleClick to view TASGOVDEMO settings


    Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to demographic values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

    Outbound lookup tables
    luGenderSee luGender lookup table.

    VCAAVASSVSN - Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority for VASS and VSR

    Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the VASS export. See Import_Export Student Data - VASS tab.

    Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

    CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
    RegionCode configuration setting to VIC. See RegionCode configuration setting.

    titleClick to view VCAAVASSVSN settings


    Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to VASS values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

    Outbound lookup tables
    luGenderSee luGender lookup table.

    VICGOVDEMO - Victorian Curriculum Demographic Data Collection

    Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the VIC Demographic and NAPLAN exports. See:

    Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

    CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
    RegionCode configuration setting to VIC. See RegionCode configuration setting.

    titleClick to view VICGOVDEMO settings


    Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to VIC demographic values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

    Outbound lookup tables
    luGenderSee luGender lookup table.

    WAGOVDEMO - Western Australian Government Demographic Data Collection

    Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the WA Demographic and NAPLAN exports. See:

    Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

    CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
    RegionCode configuration setting to WA. See RegionCode configuration setting.

    titleClick to view WAGOVDEMO settings


    Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to WA demographic values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

    Outbound lookup tables
    luGenderSee luGender lookup table.

    WASCSA - WA School Curriculum and Standards Authority

    Select this external system to map Synergetic lookup table values to values included in the WA SCSA export. See Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab.

    Note: You can view this external system by configuring:

    CountryCode configuration setting to AU. See CountryCode configuration setting.
    RegionCode configuration setting to WA. See RegionCode configuration setting.

    titleClick to view WASCSA settings


    Lists the outbound lookup tables used to map outbound Synergetic lookup table values to SCSA values. See Configuring external system lookup table mapping.

    Outbound lookup tables
    luGenderSee luGender lookup table.

    Filter the displayed settings based on an entered search term. Matching results are highlighted in bold.

    Note: You must select an external system from the drop-down list above to view this field.



    Expand or collapse the list of settings for the selected external system.

    Go back to the previously selected setting.

    Add a new record to the Interface Settings window.

    Note: You can currently only add SIF Consumers. See Adding SIF consumers.

    Refresh the displayed external system settings.

    Save changes to the displayed external system settings.

    Note: You are prompted to save changes before navigating to a different set of external system settings.

    Display a help tip for the selected external system setting.


    Active OnlySelect to only display lookup table records with the ActiveFlag field selected in Synergetic.


    Code of the lookup table record. Refer to the selected lookup table in Lookup Table Maintenance.


    Description of the lookup table record. Refer to the selected lookup table in Lookup Table Maintenance.
    ActiveWhether the selected lookup table record is active.
    Interface CodeCode mapped to the selected lookup table record.

    Lookup table mapping buttons


    Edit mapping for the selected lookup table record.
