Submitting forms

You can submit online applications and enquiries using the Online application portal. In this topic we will show you how to submit an online application form. 

To submit an online application form using the Online application portal. 

  1. Create your Online application portal account, if not already done. See Creating an Online application portal account.
  2. Log into the Online application portal. See Logging into the Online application portal.
    The Online application portal is displayed.

    Tip: You can reset your password, if necessary. See Resetting your Online application portal password.

  3. Click the application form link in the Quick Links area.

    The online application form is displayed. 

  4. Populate the fields of the online application form. Typical sections include:

    • contact details 
    • student details 
    • application information 
    • citizenship and immigration details.

  5. Click  in the supporting documents section to upload documents to support your application.

    The Open window is displayed.

  6. Select the file(s) you would like to upload.

  7. Click .
    The document is displayed under the relevant heading.

  8. Ensure all the fields are correctly populated.

  9. Click either:

    •  to save the form for later submission. See Resuming incomplete applications/enquiries.
    •  to submit the form. Proceed to Step 10.

    The Application Fee page of the Online application portal is displayed.

  10. Select a payment option. You can select either:

    • Pay Now
    • Pay Later. See Processing "pay later" payments.

  11. Click Next.
    The Payment page of the Online application portal is displayed.

  12. Click Pay.
    The Payment Confirmation window is displayed.

  13. Click Pay Now.

  14. Click Finish.

Once the form is submitted you can either: