Creating accounts for the Online application portal

Creating accounts for the Online application portal

To create an account for the Online application portal: 

  1. Navigate to the Welcome page of the Online application portal.
    The Welcome page of the Online application portal page is displayed.
  2. Click .
    The Create Account tab is displayed.
  3. Type your first name into the First Name field.
  4. Type your last name into the Last name field.
  5. Type your email address into the Email address field.
  6. Type your preferred password into the Password field.
  7. Confirm your password by re-entering it into the Re-enter password field.

    You need to re-enter the passwords if they do not match.

  8. Click .
    The Confirmation Email window is displayed.

    You can click the highlighted resending the link hyperlink to re-send the confirmation email.

  9. Locate the confirmation email in your email inbox.
  10. Click the confirmation link.
    The Online application portal account is created.

You can now log into the Online application portal. See Logging into the Online application portal.

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