Form Settings window - Finance tab

You can use the Finance tab to define:

  • online payment option
  • offline payment option.

For more information about enabling online payment options for forms, see Enabling payments.

 Opening the Finance tab

To open the Finance tab:

  1. Click .
    The General tab of the Form Settings window is displayed.
  2. Click the Finance tab.
    The Finance tab of the Form Settings window is displayed.

Form Settings window - Finance tab key fields and buttons

General fields

Select enrolment deposit

Select an enrolment deposit option from the drop-down list to determine the online payment linked to the application.

Note: You can define these options using the Enrolment Deposit Definitions Maintenance window. See Maintaining enrolment deposit definitions in the Synergetic Debtors manual.

In the example, the highlighted grid area values are used in the enrolment deposit drop-down list of the form, when the Student Based Deposit field is selected.

Payment Required

Select if payment is required for the form submission to be considered complete.

Note: You can use the DefaultFilter_PaidStatus configuration to determine whether online applications are filtered based on payment status when they are imported into the Process Online Applications/Enquiries Import window. See DefaultFilter_PaidStatus configuration setting.

Online payment fields

Allow online paymentSelect to allow online payment for the form using an online payment merchant.
Payment option labelType into this field to define the label text for the online payment option.
Payment option description

Type into this field to define a description for the online payment option.

MerchantMerchant used to process the online payment. See Online Payments Maintenance - Merchants tab in the Synergetic Finance manual.
Return link textText used for the link directing users back to the payment methods page.

Offline payment fields

Allow offline paymentSelect to allow offline payment for the form. For example, bank transfer or phone call.
Offline payment labelType into this field to define the label text for the offline payment option.
Offline payment description

Type into this field to define a description for the offline payment option.