Accommodation Calendar window

Use the Accommodation Calendar window to:

  • View which rooms have been booked for which dates.

    Bookings which have not been allocated rooms do not appear on the Accommodation Calendar window.

 Opening the Accommodation Calendar window

To open the Accommodation Calendar window:

  1. Select Module > Accommodation > Bookings Calendar.
    The Accommodation Calendar window is displayed.

Accommodation Calendar window key fields and buttons

Search Criteria area fields



Check in

View bookings with check in date after the selected date.

Note: This filter is only available in the Timeline view.

Check out

View bookings with a check out date after the selected date.

Note: This filter is only available in the Timeline view.

No of Rooms per Page

Select the number of rooms to view per page. You can navigate between pages using the Room Page buttons described below.

Sort by

Sort bookings by:

  • room
  • location.


View bookings for the selected location.

Room Type

View bookings for the selected room type.


View bookings for the selected object category.

Show Location

Show the location of the rooms.

Search Criteria area buttons



Open the Search Objects window to refine your search.

Calendar area fields



Date Range

The dates displayed by the current view style.

Booking slot

Each cell displays a room and any reservations or bookings it has on a given day or time.

Calendar area buttons




Go to the previous view period

Note: This button is not available in the Timeline view.

Show the current day in the current view style.

Select a date to display in the current view style.

Go to the next view period.

Note: This button is not available in the Timeline view.

View the bookings for one day.

Tip: This view is useful for quickly editing check in and check out times.

View the bookings for a week.

View the bookings for a month.

View a timeline of all the bookings.

Room page buttons



Go to the first page of rooms.

Go to the previous page of rooms.

Go to the previous room.

Go to the next room.

Go to the next page of rooms.

Go to the last page of rooms.

Calendar menu options


Menu option


Add Booking

Add a booking for the selected room and day. See Creating a booking from the Accommodation Calendar window.

Note: This option is only available if you right click on an empty booking slot.

Go to Today

Go to the Day view of the current day.

Go to Date

Select a date from the drop-down calendar to view in Day view.

Edit Booking

Edit the selected booking. See Modifying bookings from the Accommodation Calendar window.

Note: This option is only available if you right click on an existing booking.


Delete the selected booking.

Note: This option is only available if you right click on an existing booking.