Modifying accommodation bookings

Note: You can modify any booking that has not yet been allocated to a room. If the booking has been allocated a room, you must first de-allocate the rooms. See Booking Allocation window.

To modify an existing booking:

  1. Open the Accommodation Booking List window. See Accommodation Booking List window.
  2. Select the booking you want to modify.

    If a booking is for more than one person, then you can only modify the group booking, not the individual entry for the guest.
  3. Select Modify Booking from the Action... drop-down list.

    The Edit Booking window is displayed.

    Note: If the booking was originally created in the Accommodation Calendar window, the Edit Booking for window is displayed. See Modifying bookings from the Accommodation Calendar window.

  4. Make changes to the booking information as required. For example, the date range, room required and number of places booked.
  5. Select .
    The Edit Booking window is displayed again.
  6. Make further changes to the booking information. For example, community member, booking type, and any notes.
  7. Select.
    The Accommodation Booking List window is displayed with any relevant changes.