Creating Community Portal accounts in a batch
Creating Community Portal accounts in a batch
You can create many Community Portal accounts at once by using batch files.
To create several Community Portal accounts:
- Create a text file where each line holds a Community ID and password separated by a comma. For example:
23, p4ssw0rd01
24, apple123
78, qwertyuiop5 - If a community member should have a joint portal account, add a join flag (J) to the line containing their ID. For example:
23, p4ssw0rd01
24, apple123, J
78, qwertyuiop5 - Clarification: Adding the J (join flag) after (e.g.ID:) 24, apple123, J means that ID: 24's spouse/partner would share the same password.
- In Synergetic select Module >Community Maintenance.
The Constits tab of the Community Maintenance window is displayed. - Select the Other tab.
The Other tab of the Community Maintenance window is displayed. - Click
The Open File window is displayed. . - Select the text file you created.
- Click
The passwords are encrypted into the database.
Note: For security reasons it is recommended you delete the text file after completing these steps and notifying the community members of their new passwords. .