Enabling Community Portal account management across a network

If you want to create or edit Community Portal accounts on a system other than the IIS web server, you must enable networked Community Portal account management for that system.

To enable networked Community Portal account management:

  1. Go to the system where you want to manage the accounts.
  2. Select Start > Control Panel.
  3. Open Administrative Tools.
  4. Open Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Configuration.
    The .NET Configuration 1.1 window is displayed.
  5. Select Runtime Security Policy.
  6. Select Increase Assembly Trust.
  7. Select Make changes to this computer.
  8. Click .
  9. Browse to the SYNMAIN folder on your network.
  10. Select the file CommPortalPassManager.exe.
  11. Click .
  12. Change the minimum level of trust to Full Trust.