Religion Survey

AAGEIDSchool code allocated to each campus by the Department of Education.
BSchool NameName of your school.
CSchool TypeSchool type for your organisation.
  1. Load the CESA school type values into the luSchoolType lookup table.

    luSchoolType lookup table
    - Loading lookup tables for external systems.

  2. Select your school type using the School Type field on the School tab of School Settings Maintenance. See School Settings Maintenance - School tab.

    Based on your selection, the report field can have a value of either:

    - Primary School
    - Secondary School
    - Combined School
    - Special School.

Suburb where your school is located.

  • This field value is defined using the School Suburb field on the CESA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.

Note: You can define the default value of this field using the CESA_SchoolSuburb configuration setting. See CESA_SchoolSuburb configuration setting.


Diocese where your school is located.

  • This field value is defined using the School Diocese field on the CESA tab of the Import/Export Student Data window.

Note: You can define the default value of this field using the CESA_SchoolDiocese configuration setting. See CESA_SchoolDiocese configuration setting.

FReligion TypeReligion of the student.

Note: You need to map luReligion values to the CESA values using the CESA interface setting. See Using the Interface Settings window.

Note: Lookup values from luReligion that cannot be mapped to CESA values are reported as Unknown.

GYear LevelYear level of the student.

Note: You need to map luYearLevel values to the CESA values using the CESA interface setting. See Using the Interface Settings window.