Report mode

Report mode

ASTUDENTS Total (Religion)Total number of students classified by religion.
  • The religion of each student is defined using the Religion field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
  • The Religion field is populated by the luReligion lookup table and the values of this lookup table must be mapped to LEA values using the LEA interface setting. See Using the Interface Settings window.
  • Students are included in the count for a religion grouping when their religion has been mapped via Interface Settings to one of the LEA religion groupings below:

    - Lutheran
    - Other Christian
    - Other
BSTUDENTS Total (Gender)Total number of students classified by gender.
  • The gender of each student is defined using the Gender field on the Personal tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab.
  • Students are included in the:

    - Male count when their selected gender has a SynergyMeaning of Male
    - Female count when their selected gender has a SynergyMeaning of Female.
CENROLMENTS (Primary)Total number of students classified by primary year level.
  • The year level of each student is defined using the Year Level drop-down list on the Status sub-tab of the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab.
  • The Year Level field is populated by the luYearLevel lookup table and the values of this lookup table must be mapped to LEA values using the LEA interface setting. See Using the Interface Settings window.
  • Students are included in the count that matches their selected year level.
DENROLMENTS (Secondary)Total number of students classified by secondary year level.
  • The year level of each student is defined using the Year Level drop-down list on the Status sub-tab of the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab.
  • The Year Level field is populated by the luYearLevel lookup table and the values of this lookup table must be mapped to LEA values using the LEA interface setting. See Using the Interface Settings window.
  • Students are included in the count that matches their selected year level.


Total number of students that qualify for disability funding in primary and secondary school year levels. 
  • The disability status of each student is defined using the Include in Export field on the Disability tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Disability tab.
  • Students are included in the count for their respective school (primary or secondary) when they have a disability record with the Include in Export field selected.

Note: Students are sorted into the primary or secondary count based on their year level mapping. See Columns C and D above

FBOARDERS (Religion)Total number of boarders classified by religion.
  • The boarding status of each student is defined using the Boarder drop-down list on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab.
  • Students are included in the count when their selected boarding status has a SynergyMeaning of Boarder.

Note: Students are sorted by religion based on their religious mapping. See Column A above

GBOARDERS (Gender)Total number of boarders classified by gender.
  • The boarding status of each student is defined using the Boarder drop-down list on the School tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab.
  • Students are included in the count when their selected boarding status value has a SynergyMeaning of Boarder.

Note: Students are sorted by gender based on their gender mapping. See Column B above

HINDIGENOUS STUDENTS (Head count)Total number of indigenous students.
  • The indigenous status of each student field is defined using the Indigenous Student and Torres Strait Islander fields on the Flags tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab.
  • Students are included in the count when either of the above fields are selected.

Note: Students are sorted by gender based on their gender mapping. See Column B above

IOVERSEAS STUDENTS (Head count)Total number of overseas students.
  • Overseas students are defined using the Full Fee Flag on the Debtor tab of Current Student Maintenance. See Current Student Maintenance - Debtor tab.
  • Students are included in this count when their Full Fee Flag field is selected.

Note: Students are sorted by gender based on their gender mapping. See Column B above

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