Updating the status of current students (Next Year Process)

Updating the status of current students (Next Year Process)

Check the status of current students to make sure they are all up to date before creating the new academic year. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab (Next Year Process) in the Current students or Next year process manual.

You do not need to update the status of year 12 students unless they are repeating.

Status and Nxt Yr Status fields

The following table describes how the Status and Nxt Yr Status fields affect the processing of the student's record when creating a new academic year.




will not transfer the student.

Nxt Yr Status:



will transfer the student.

Not selected

will copy the student's Next Year Status to the new year.


will not transfer the student.


will not roll the student up a year level.

Also, the Nxt Yr Status field will override the Status field. For example, if the Status = Leaving and Nxt Yr Status = Normal, the student is transferred and their status set to Normal in the new academic year.

Leaving students

If a student is leaving:

  1. Select Leaving from the Status drop-down list.
  2. Enter the Leaving Date. For example 31st December.
  3. Select Left from the Nxt Yr Status drop-down list.
  4. Update any other fields required at your organisation. For example, at New Zealand schools the following fields are required:
    Reason. See Reason for leaving in the Roll returns manual.
     Post School Activity. See Post school activity in the Roll returns manual.
    Tip: You can tag students that are leaving then set the field values in bulk. See Setting field values in bulk in the Introduction or Next year process manual.
  5. If you are New Zealand school, update fields on the Extra Leaving Information sub-tab. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Extra Leaving Information sub-tab (Next Year Process).
    If you are notified of a student leaving after you have created the new academic year, see Processing a student leaving after the new year has been created (Next Year Process).

Repeating students
If a student is repeating, select Repeating from the Nxt Yr Status drop-down list.

Tip: You can tag students that are repeating then set the field values in bulk. See Setting field values in bulk in the Introduction or Next year process manual.

If you are notified of a student repeating after you have created the new academic year, see Processing a repeating student after the new year has been created (Next Year Process).

Deferring students

If a student is has chosen to defer for one or more years use the following process

Select Leaving from the Status drop-down list  and Enter a leaving date

Select Left from the Nxt Yr Status drop-down list.

Enter a Reason = Deferred in the Reason Field (this may need to be created in luStudentleavingReason lookup table)

To return the student a year later create an application in Future student maintenance for the year they are returning and transfer them to Current students as per the normal future application transfer process.

New students

Students enrolling during the year would normally be created in Synergetic when they enrol. See Creating new students in the Current students manual.
If a student enrols after you have created the new academic year, see Adding a new student in the current year after the new year has been created (Next Year Process).

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