What's new to Next year process

What's new to Next year process

Version 70

This section outlines changes to the Next year process manual arising from changes made to Synergetic (versions 69-70.01).


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Support for configurable genders.

You can define genders including non-binary genders using the new luGender lookup table. See luGender lookup table.

Once genders have been defined, you can use the NextYearCampusOther and NextYearLevelOther fields of the luYearLevel lookup table to determine the campus and year level that non-binary students in each year level are transferred to when the new academic year is created.

luYearLevel lookup table (Next Year Process)
New Home Group Definition field.

You can use the HomeGroupDefinition field of the luYearLevel lookup table to define a custom value for the Class identification column of the WACE Student Registration and Demographic export. See Import_Export Student Data - WA SCSA tab.

New Learning Pathway field 

You can use the Learning Pathway field on the Flags and School tabs of Current Student Maintenance to record student learning pathways, such as the International Baccalaureate.

Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab (Next Year Process)

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