Maintaining object types

Maintaining object types

All objects in an organisation are assigned to an object type. The object type determines the:

  • elements that can be associated with an object
  • attributes that can be recorded for an object
  • categories to which an object can belong
  • staff who can be assigned to maintain the object.

How to:

What you can do:

What you can do...

See ...

Use the Object Type Maintenance window to define:

  • a new object type
  • the maintainable elements that can be assigned to this object type
  • the attributes that can be assigned to this object type
  • the staff members who can be allocated to maintain an object.

Object Type Maintenance window

Define the general details of an object type.
For example, description, default child object type.

Object Type Maintenance - General tab

Define the maintainable elements for an object type.
For example, a room consists of paint, air conditioning, fans and so on.

Object Type Maintenance - Elements tab

Define the attributes for an object type.
For example, a book object can have publisher and ISBN attributes.

Object Type Maintenance - Attributes tab

Define the categories to which this object type can be assigned.

Object Type Maintenance - Categories tab

Define the staff members who can be allocated a task associated with a specific object type.
For example, garden staff can be allocated to a Garden object type.

Object Type Maintenance - Task Staff tab

View the objects that have been assigned a specific object type.
View the current location of objects that have been assigned a specific object type.

Object Type Maintenance - Objects tab

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