Maintain Object Task window

The Maintain Object Task window is used to maintain object tasks.

 Opening the Maintain Object Task window

To open an existing task in the Maintain Object Task window:

  1. Select Module > Objects > Task Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Object Tasks window is displayed.
  2. Select an existing task.
  3. Click .
    The Maintain Object Task window is displayed.

Note: Also see Creating new object tasks.

Task area key fields and buttons



Task Seq

Task sequence number. This is the unique identifier for the task.

Object Number

ID number of the object related to the task.


Description of the object related to the task.


Textual description of the object's location.


Date that the task was created.

Initiated By ID

Name of the person who initiated the task.


Current status of the task. For example, New, Waiting for Info, Completed.


Date that the task was closed, if activity has finished.


Select the object type.


Severity rating of the problem that the task is aimed to fix. For example, severity can be rated on a level of 1 to 10 with 10 being very severe and 1 being minor.

Severity values are defined in the luObjectTaskSeverity lookup table. See luObjectTaskSeverity lookup table in the System Maintenance manual.


Priority level for the task. For example, a Level 1 task has more priority than a Level 3 task.

Allocated To

Name of the person who has been allocated the task.


Brief description of the task. For example, Paint Front Door, Clean Blinds.




(Object Search field)

Search for an object. See Searching for objects.

(Object Search field)

Launch Object Maintenance to view or update the details of the selected object. See Maintaining objects.

(Initiated by ID field)

Find the community member that person that initiated the task.

(Initiated by ID field)

Launch Object Maintenance to view or update the details of the selected object. See Maintaining objects.

(Allocated To field)

Launch Community Maintenance for the selected person.

Saves and closes the current window.

Update the Closed field with the current date and time.
The following window is displayed.

Save the changes and continue editing.

Delete the current task and close the window.
The following window is displayed.

To delete the current task:

  1. Type delete.
  2. Click .
    Tip: You can type in either upper case or lower case.

Cancel changes made since last saving and close the window.

Activities area key fields and buttons



Allocated To

Name of the person who has been allocated the activity.


Date that the activity was created.

Comm Method

Method of communication to the person. For example, phone, email or personal approach.

This field is configured using the luObjectTaskCommunicationMethod lookup table.


Reference information supporting the communication. For example, email address used to email the person.

Follow Up

Select if a follow up communication is required with the person allocated the activity.

Follow Up By

Person who is following up about the activity.

Follow Up Date

Date the person is scheduled to follow up about the activity.




Start the Staff Search window to find a staff member to allocate the task to.

Create a new activity.

Delete the current task and close the window.
The following window is displayed.

To delete the current task:

  1. Type delete.
  2. Click .
    Tip: You can type in either upper case or lower case.

Reply to an email.

Save the changes and continue editing.

Mark the activity as finished.

Send an email regarding an activity. The Send Email(s) window is displayed:

Note: This button is only displayed if you are replying to an email.

Add a file attachment to an email.

Activity History area fields
See the Activities area above for details of the fields in the Activity History area.

Email Info sub-tab

The Email Info sub-tab contains the standard email sender and subject fields to allow you to specify who the email is sent to.

Object Tasks sub-tab

The Object Tasks sub-tab displays other object tasks for the selected object.




Include Closed Tasks

Select to display closed tasks as well as current tasks.

The remaining fields on this sub-tab are a subset of the fields on the Object Tasks window. See the Unallocated Tasks grid area key fields in the Object Tasks window.

User Tasks sub-tab

The User Tasks sub-tab displays other object tasks for the person the tasks are allocated to.
The fields on this sub-tab are a subset of the fields described in the Task area key fields and buttons above.

Attachments sub-tab
The Attachments sub-tab displays the details of any attachments to the current email. Use the  button to add a file attachment to the current email message.

All Attachments sub-tab

The All Attachments sub-tab displays the details of all attachments that have been sent.

DocMan sub-tab

The DocMan sub-tab displays the details of all documents related to the object task. For example, a photograph of the maintenance issue to address or a diagram of how a task should be completed.