Exporting timetables from Synergetic

Exporting timetables from Synergetic

Currently Synergetic's timetable export program only caters for exporting students to:

  • Timetabler
  • Timechart
  • FirstClass 2000.

To export a timetable from Synergetic:

  1. Select Module > Students > Timetable Import / Export.The Timetable Import/Export Definition window is displayed.
    Tip: You can also access the material functions by clicking .
  2. Select the Timetable Program you are exporting to.
  3. Select Export (FROM Synergetic) in the Operation area.
  4. Select the destination file to export the timetabling data to. Either:
    • type the file name into the Dest Dir field
    • click to locate the file.
  5. Specify the field linking the students between Synergetic and the timetabling program.
  6. Specify timetable export selections.

    See the Timetable Export Selections area fields below.
  7. Click .
    The Timetable Import/Export Synergetic selections window is displayed.
    See Setting timetable import/export Synergetic selections

Timetable Import/Export Definition window key fields and buttons
Timetable Program area fields

Select the timetable program to import from or export to.

Timetables cannot be imported from FirstClass 2000 through the Timetable Import/Export Definition window. Please Contact Synergetic Management Systems for instructions to import timetables from FirstClass 2000.

Operation area fields and buttons



Export (FROM Synergetic)

Convert Synergetic data into a Timetabler, Time Chart or FirstClass 2000 file.

Note: Synergetic
does not support exports to other timetable programs at present.

Import Timetable (INTO Synergetic)

Import data from a supported timetable program to Synergetic.

Import Student Classes (INTO Synergetic)

Import student class information from a supported timetable program to Synergetic.

Import/Update Subject Classes (INTO Synergetic)

Import or update class information from a supported timetable program to Synergetic.

Synergetic Student Link Field area fields




Link records by student ID.

Timetable Code

Timetabler users only
Link records by generated or manually entered timetable code.

Bar Code

Link records by bar code field.

Alternate Code

Link records by selected code.

This allows you to use a field other than the Synergetic ID code for mapping records from the timetable import file to Synergetic. For example, you might decide to use the student's name instead of their ID.

Alternate Code

Link records by an alternative code.

Previous System Code

Link records by old system codes.
This maps the codes in the timetabling program to the Synergetic codes, maintained on the Codes tab of Current Student Maintenance.




Locate the output file using the Microsoft Windows Find Directory window.

Timetable Export Selections area fields
The fields displayed depend on the timetable program selected.

Timetable Export Selections area fields - Timetabler



Export Students

Select to export students.

Export Student Classes

Select to export classes as well as students.

Export Staff

Select to export staff.

Timetabler version 4 or higher

Select if you are exporting to Timetabler version 4 or higher.

Generate Synergetic Timetable Code as First 3 chars of Surname, 1st Init and ID

Select to create a Synergetic timetable code, comprising the:

  • first three characters of surname
  • first initial, and
  • Synergetic ID.

Tip: If you do not yet have a standard for linking records then this is a good option to use.

No of units

Specify the number of units according to Timetabler's requirements.

Student/Staff Name Layout

Select the style of the names that you want to appear in your timetabling program.

Export as Roll-Class

Specify how you want your roll-class in Synergetic to be defined. It is recommended that you export either Yr + Form or Yr + House.

Timetable Export Selections area fields - Timechart



Export Students

Select to export students.

Export Student Classes

Select to export student classes.

Generate Synergetic Timetable Code as First 3 chars of Surname, 1st Init and ID

Select to create a Synergetic timetable code, comprising the:

  • first three characters of surname
  • first initial, and
  • Synergetic ID.

Tip: If you do not yet have a standard for linking records then this is a good option to use.

Student/Staff Name Layout

Select the style of the names that you want to appear in your timetabling program.

Export as Roll-Class

Specify how you want your roll-class in Synergetic to be defined. It is recommended that you export either Yr + Form or Yr + House.

Timetable Export Selections area fields - FirstClass 2000



Export Students

Select to export students.

Export Staff

Select to export staff.

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