Authorising agent invoices

Authorising agent invoices

To authorise invoices from agents who have enrolled students in one or more of your courses:

  1. Set each student's course status to Finalised on the Enrolment tab of Course Details Maintenance. See Course Details Maintenance - Enrolment tab (Current students) in the Current students manual.
  2. If any of the students have a relationship with more than one agent, nominate the agent who receives the commission on the Agent tab of Course Details Maintenance. See Course Details Maintenance - Agent tab (Current students) in the Current students manual.
  3. Open the Agent Commission Schedule Maintenance window for the required agent. See Using the Agent Commission Schedule Maintenance window.
    The Agent Commission Schedule Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Filter the student courses further, if required.

    The student courses that meet the criteria are listed in the left pane.
  5. Type the number from the agent's invoice in the Invoice No. field.
  6. Type the date from the agent's invoice in the Invoice Date field.

    : Select the date from the calendar. 

  7. Check the agent's invoice and identify the first student course being billed for.
  8. Select the student course.
  9. Click .
    The selected student course is moved to the right pane.

    : Double click on the student to move the entry.
  10. Identify the next student course being billed for.

    : Click  to move all entries to the right pane.
  11. Repeat steps 8 through 10, for each student course being billed for.
  12. Check the claimed amount matches the calculated amount.

    : If the following message is displayed, check the figures and if necessary contact the agent to correct their invoice. 

  13. Click .
    The following dialog window is displayed.
  14. Click .
    The invoice is authorised, and the dialog and Agent Commission Schedule Maintenance windows are closed.
  15. You can check the authorised invoice if required. See Displaying authorised agent invoices.