Excluding students from the DEEWR export
Excluding students from the DEEWR export
Students are excluded from DEEWR exports if:
- they are marked as External
- their status has a SynergyMeaning of EXTERNAL
- they are a part-time student.
Students are not included in the export on days they were not enrolled at your organisation, such as if:
- they have left or are leaving before the end of the exporting period
- they started at your organisation after the start of the exporting period.
For example, if the DEEWR export period is from 1st March to 31st October:
- a student who started on the 15th March would not be included prior to their starting date
- a student who left on the 7th of October would not be included after their leaving date.
External students
You can maintain a student's external status
- On the Flags tab of the Current Student Maintenance window, using the External Student field.
See Current Student Maintenance - Flags tab in the Current students manual.
- On the School tab of the Current Student Maintenance window, using a Status with a SynergyMeaning of EXTERNAL.
See Current Student Maintenance - School tab in the Current students manual.
Part-time students
Any student who has a Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) of less than 1 is considered a part-time student. You can maintain a student's FTE on the School tab of the Current Student Maintenance window. See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab (Next Year Process) in the Current students manual.
Students starting or leaving within an exporting period
You can maintain a student's:
- Leaving Date on the School tab of the Current Student Maintenance window. If the Leaving Date is before the end of the DEEWR exporting period, the student is excluded from the report for all days after their Leaving Date.
See Current Student Maintenance - School tab - Status sub-tab in the Current students manual.
- Entry Date on the Entry tab of the Current Student Maintenance window. If the Entry Date is after the start of the DEEWR exporting period, the student is excluded for all days before their Entry Date.
See Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab in the Current students manual.
, multiple selections available,
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