Configuring the Absence Events Daily Calculations

Configuring the Absence Events Daily Calculations

DEEWR export uses the Absence Events Daily Calculations to produce the attendance results. These calculations rely on Synergetic's timetabling system being accurate for your organisation.
Before performing the DEEWR export you can:

Configuring the Absence Events Daily Calculations
To ensure that these calculations are correct, you must define:

  • At least one timetable group. See luTimetableGroup lookup table in the System maintenance manual.
  • The year levels for your organisation. See luYearLevel lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

    Ensure you allocate each year level to a timetable group, and that the IncludeInCensusFlag field is selected.

If your organisation has overlapping semesters, the DEEWR record export uses the earliest-starting semester as its reporting period. In the example below, there are two semesters which overlap during the month of July. If DEEWR records are exported during July, Synergetic uses the first semester to calculate the results.

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