Synergetic Suite v71.58
Release Date | Mar 20, 2025 at 7:00 pm AEST |
Release Status | Released |
Issues | 3 items |
Summary | We are pleased to announce that Version 71.58 of the Synergetic suite of products is available now. The changes in this release includes improvements* and bug fixes. *Please note that most releases are likely to include security enhancements that are not explicitly mentioned. This is to avoid exposing details of vulnerabilities for schools on earlier releases. We recommend upgrading as frequently as practicable. |
Issue Type | Issue key | Summary | Component | Module/Program | Comment | Service Desk Reference Number(s) |
Bug | DSY-26295 | Debtor without receipts filter doesn't include all outstanding debtors in the report DEBPAYHST | SynMain | Reports (Crystal/SSRS) | DEBPAYHST Report now correctly shows all debtors when show debtors without receipts is selected. | 00289634, PRB-00004324 |
Bug | DSY-26316 | Unable to Submit an Online Application in a multi-tenant environment | Form Builder | Form Builder | Fixed an issue in multitenant environments where Application Portal enquiry forms could not be submitted by users who were not logged in. Note that this issue only impacts forms that do not require login. | 00290118, PRB-00004344 |
Bug | DSY-25691 | Inconsistencies in the code used for a home email address result in the Default Email value not being populated correctly in SynMain and SynWeb (Phone tab). | SynWeb, SynMain |
| The code inconsistencies for the home email address have been identified and corrected to ensure accurate population of the Default Email value in both SynMain and SynWeb. | 00274044, PRB-00003936 |