Integration Questions

Integration Questions

How would any third party integrations we currently have be impacted and how would this be controlled going forward? 

The goal of Synergetic Cloud is to support all commonly used third-party integrations in Synergetic Cloud. However, due to the diverse range of technologies and connection types, some integrations may need to be individually investigated, confirmed, and tested as the platform develops. If you have any integrations not listed below, please speak to your Customer Success Manager or Consultant so that we can ensure your integration is prioritised accordingly. 

Best practices supported integrations can be found at Vendor RESTful API integrations

Your API end point will be in the format of https://core.schoolcode.prod.synergetic.education/CoreAPI/

Can I run a local service for a third party vendor in Synergetic Cloud?

We currently can host PowerBI and Wonde connectors on your Cloud instance. Other services are under review. For other parties, our recommendation is to either use a cloud based service provided by your vendor, or plan to continue to self-host your service. Each of these options can be connected to the database via an IP-whitelisted direct database connection.

Specific Integrations 

Available *requires Direct Database Access 

Not Supported 

Available *requires Direct Database Access 

Not Supported 

  • Alii 

  • Campion * 

  • Clipboard: Existing XML-based integrations are expected to be supported, with plans for further API-based integrations going forward 

  • Consent2Go *

  • DigiStorm Funnel 

  • Edval 

  • Future Applications import 

  • MessageMedia (SMS service) 

  • MySchoolConnect

  • NAB Transact 

  • Orah / Boardingware  

  • Ozedi / Payroll 

  • Paperly * 

  • PowerBI

  • School Box * 

  • SEQTA (Cloud to Cloud)

  • Stripe 

  • Timetabler 

  • Wonde

  • Zunia 


How does email flow from Synergetic when cloud-hosted? 

Most schools use a cloud-hosted email provider which is integrated into Synergetic via an API. Database mail is still supported. If desired, email can also be provided via AWS Simple Email Service.