Implementation/Technical Questions 

Implementation/Technical Questions 

What is the process to migrate existing Synergetic schools to the new Synergetic Cloud instance? 

The migration to Synergetic Cloud involves a structured process, managed by the Education Horizons Professional Services team. You will be guided through the process by a project manager, who will coordinate the necessary tasks and handovers.


Is there any cost for direct database access for Synergetic Cloud?

Yes, we encourage clients to get in touch with their CSMs about their hosted questions, including pricing.

Will there be downtime during the migration? 

Yes, there will be a period of downtime, estimated to be no more than a few hours, during the final cutover stage. This downtime is necessary to ensure a seamless transfer of data from the on-premises environment to the cloud hosted site. The specific downtime window will be coordinated with the school to minimise disruptions. 

How can we test our setup? Is there a sandbox feature? 

During the migration process, a parallel testing environment will be set up, allowing schools to verify integrations, functionalities, and perform user acceptance testing. This parallel environment will be refreshed with the latest production data just before the final cutover, ensuring data integrity and a smooth transition.  

How will we manage the migration and ongoing maintenance of existing extensions we have made over many years to Synergetic (user tables, user views, user forms, etc.)? 

All the existing database customisations, including tables, views, triggers, and data, will be migrated to the Synergetic Cloud environment. Schools taking up the direct database access option will be able to continue to update and add to these.