Providing Authentication into Synergetic Cloud

Providing Authentication into Synergetic Cloud

For schools using Synergetic Cloud, it is expected that the school will provide a cloud-based identity provider that uses modern authentication protocols, such as Microsoft Entra ID for accessing the Windows client, SynWeb, and the Community Portal.

Synergetic Cloud uses FusionAuth, a third party Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) platform to provide a consistent authentication layer between Schools' IDP and Synergetic cloud-hosted applications. The use of FusionAuth is relatively invisible to schools, and the migration / onboarding team will provide you with the technical details required to connect your IDP to Synergetic.

Given the sensitivity of the data stored in Synergetic, we highly recommend that MFA is set to challenge every Synergetic user at login, regardless of role and location.

Important note for schools using Synergetic Payroll

In order to comply with strict ATO rules around the security of payroll services, multi-factor authentication (MFA) is mandatory for schools using Payroll, in both SynMain (Windows Client) and SynWeb (Staff web portal).

As schools use single-sign on to their own identity provider, this is within school’s own control and must be turned on for everybody that processes or can view payroll data. Failure to do so will violate ATO rules.