SAML Terminology

SAML Terminology

IDPIdentity provider, e.g. ADFS, Lifray, Schoolbox. Application that handles all user credentials and login authentication.
SPService provider (application), e.g. Community Portal, SynWeb
SSOSingle sign on
SLOSingle log out/off
SP initiated LoginLogin that originated by the user accessing the SP (e.g. Community Portal)
IDP initiated LoginLogin that is triggered when the user selects a link from the IDP(e.g. Schoolbox/Okta/OneLogin) to launch into the SP.
SP initiated LogoutLogout that is triggered by the SP (e.g. Community Portal) where the user clicks the logout button.
IDP initiated LogoutLogout that is triggered by either another SP, or the IDP. Sending logout request to all active SP sessions telling them to log this user off.
Signing CertificateThe certificate provided by the IDP to ensure the request is valid
Claim Attribute Name

The attribute tag name of which the value is being contain in. In the example below, this is defined as NetworkLogin (attribute name is case sensitive)

Sample Claim Attribute
	<saml2:Attribute Name="NetworkLogin" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified">
		<saml2:AttributeValue xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="xs:string">
Claim Attribute Value

The value provided by the IDP to find the relevant user details in the Synergetic Database. In the above code block this is defined as ahui@synergetic.net.au. The claim attribute value is then used to search for a matching user via stored procedure e.g.

exec spsGetUserLoginData @SelectByValue = 'ahui@synergetic.net.au'

This could either be one of the following:

  • iDAM Guid
  • iDAM Login
  • Network login
  • Config user login username
  • Community ID
  • Community GUID