Resolving unallocated cells on the yard duty roster

Resolving unallocated cells on the yard duty roster

If after running AutoPlace there are unallocated cells then these must be analysed before they can be resolved.

For related videos, see Videos.

To analyse unallocated cells:

  1. Review the number of unallocated cells.
  2. Review the Cross Check report. See Previewing the Yard Duty Cross Check report.
  3. Resolve unallocated cells by increasing the default Maximum Duration for:
    • all the teachers if there is a large number of unallocated cells. See Changing default durations of selected teachers for yard duty.
    • several teachers if there is a small number of unallocated cells. See Changing maximum durations of selected teachers for yard duty.

After running AutoPlace there was a significant number of unallocated cells in the yard duty roster.

To analyse the unallocated cells in the example:

  1. The Cross Check report was reviewed.
    • The overview area of the Cross Check report, located at the bottom indicated the total number of minutes available was exactly equal to the minutes required.

    • The yard duty roster break lengths are either 15 or 20 minutes long. Many of the teachers have an unallocated 5 or 10 minutes of time, resulting in the unallocated cells.

    • All the unallocated cells were lunch breaks, which are all 20 minutes long.
  2. Since many of the teachers were allocated 50/60 minutes the default duration was raised to 70 to enable these teachers to be allocated to an extra 20 minute break.
  3. This default duration was then applied to all teachers on the Yard Duty Teacher Limits window.
  4. AutoPlace was run and the cells were successfully allocated.
  5. However a review of the Cross Check report showed that there was:
    • a large excess of available time
    • an inequitable division of yard duty allocations; some teachers were allocated 70 minutes while some teachers were allocated 50.
  6. The default duration was then reduced to 65 minutes to reduce the excess of available time.
  7. After running AutoPlace there were only three unallocated cells, located in day three and day four.
  8. The Cross Check report was run again and the teachers with the most unallocated time were pinpointed.
  9. The Maximum Duration field on the Yard Duty Teacher Limits window for these teachers was raised to 70 minutes.
  10. The AutoPlace function was run and all cells were successfully allocated.