Scheduling yard duty approach

Scheduling yard duty approach

The approach to scheduling yard duty is:

  1. Defining yard duty structures taking into account:
    • new teachers
    • part-time teachers
    • changes to the availability of full-time teachers; particularly, before and after school.
  2. Use AutoPlace to schedule yard duty. See Scheduling yard duty rosters.
  3. Review rosters, including:
    • Previewing the Yard Duty Cross Check report
    • Resolving unallocated cells on the yard duty roster.
  4. Rerun AutoPlace and analyse the roster:
    • If all cells are allocated, review the Yard Duty Cross Check report to ensure equitable division of yard duty allocations.
    • Reduce or increase maximum duration for individual teachers to resolve small errors.
  5. Output results so the teachers know when they are rostered on for yard duty. See Outputting yard duty rosters.
  6. Change teachers allocated to yard duty, taking into account swaps they have organised. See Changing yard duty rosters.


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