Changing teachers on the Yard Duty tab

Changing teachers on the Yard Duty tab

For related videos, see Videos.

To change teachers on the Yard Duty tab:

  1. Select Yard Duty > Edit Roster from the main menu.

    : You can also click the Yard Duty tab when Primary Time opens.

    The Yard Duty tab is displayed.
  2. Select the cell for the yard duty teacher allocation you want to change.

    : This process can be used to select a new teacher for a yard duty allocation after a cell has been cleared. See Clearing teachers on the Yard Duty tab.

  3. Click .

    You can also change the teacher yard duty allocation by double clicking the cell you want to edit.

    All available teachers for this yard duty allocation are displayed.

    : Available teachers are teachers that have enough time left in their maximum duration to accept the yard duty allocation.

  4. Click the teacher that you want to allocate to this yard duty slot.
  5. Click .
    The yard duty roster is saved.