Resolving problems when importing or exporting timetables

Resolving problems when importing or exporting timetables

Mismatched records
If there are any records that exist in the timetable import file but not in Synergetic, the Locate Matching Record window is displayed. Missing records are often caused by Synergetic not having the correct preferred name. If the record does not appear in the name match screen you need to enter it later.

You can either:

  • Fix up mismatching records now by matching the ID and code with the record displayed at the top of the window. To do this:
  • Highlight the record in the window that matches the record displayed at the top of the window.
  • Click . The timetable is imported.
  • Click  or , fix the problems later and reimport the timetable.

None of the records linked
If you have selected the wrong Timetable Program or Synergetic Student Link Field on the Timetable Import/Export Definition window, none of your records link together.
The Locate Matching Record (manual link) window is displayed for every record the program tries to process. If this happens, you should abort the import and restart the import program with the correct configuration.

Class not set up correctly

If an imported class does not exist in Synergetic, the new class is created with the description being the same as class code.

In this case you need to set up:
• The class. See Maintaining classes in the Synergetic Assessments and reports manual.
• Assessment details. See Maintaining subject assessment areas in the Synergetic Assessments and reports manual.

Write down the Student and Class Code that needs to be created so that you can enter them later.

Missing record cannot be linked to

If the import program cannot find a record, then you have to enter details in Synergetic and the timetabling program to establish a link.
Missing records are often caused by Synergetic not having the correct Preferred name. If the record does not appear in the name match screen then it needs to be entered later.

No students found for matching year group (Primary Time)

When the No students found for matching year group message is displayed during a Primary Time import the Form codes in Synergetic do not match the Year Group codes in Primary Time. See the Staff Maintenance - School tab.

Unmatched staff members

Importing timetables is similar to that of importing classes but instead of matching students, Synergetic needs to match staff members. Therefore, staff members can be found and maintained in a similar manner to that of matching a student (see above).
The table lists all found staff members by:
• ID
• SchoolStaffCode
• StaffName
• StaffMailName.

When staff records cannot be located during a Primary Time import this indicates that the School Staff Code does not match the Teacher Code used in Primary Time. See the Staff Maintenance - School tab in the Synergetic Human resources manual.


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