Running the Student Immunisation Status report

Running the Student Immunisation Status report

You can run the Student Immunisation Status report to check the immunisation status of students at your organisation.

To run the Student Immunisation Status report:

  1. Select Students > Student Reports Available.
    The Available Reports window is displayed.
  2. Locate the report using the Search field.
  3. Select the Student Immunisation Status report in the grid area.
  4. Click .
    The Student Immunisation Status window is displayed.
  5. Type a new file year into the File Year field, if necessary.
  6. Select the Show Contacts field to list the student contacts in the report.

    Important: You must include the contact details of parents when reporting under-vaccinated students.

  7. Select the Immunisation Details (comment) field, if you would like to include the immunisation details comment for each student.

    Note: You can define the immunisation details comment using the Immunisation Details field on the Immunisation tab of Medical Maintenance. See Medical Maintenance - Immunisation tab.

  8. Select an option from the Complete drop-down list to include students based on their immunisation form status.

     You can select:

    All to include all students
    Yes to include students that have an immunisation form status with a SynergyMeaning of Complete
    No to include students that do not have an immunisation form status with a SynergyMeaning of Complete.

    Tip: You can select the Blank Only field to only include students with blank immunisation form statuses.

    Note: You can select student immunisation form statuses using the Form Status field on the Immunisation tab of Medical Maintenance. See Medical Maintenance - Immunisation tab.

  9. Select an option from the Received drop-down list to include students based on whether their immunisation form has been received.

    Note: You can record received immunisation forms using the Immunisation Form Received field on the Immunisation tab of Medical Maintenance. See Medical Maintenance - Immunisation tab.

  10. Select a date range using the Date >= and <= fields to only include students that submitted immunisation forms within the specified date range.

     You can record the submission date of immunisation forms using the Date Received field on the Immunisation tab of Medical Maintenance. See Medical Maintenance - Immunisation tab.

  11. Select student filters using the Student Selections area fields.
  12. Select contact filters using the Contact Display Options area fields.
  13. Click .
    The Student Immunisation Status report is displayed.