Events Maintenance - Event bar
You can use the Event bar to maintain key details about the event.
Events Maintenance - Event bar key fields and buttons
Field | Description |
Description | Description of the event, added when creating the event. |
Type | Type of event, or event group. Event types are maintained in the luEventType lookup table. See luEventType lookup table in the Synergetic System maintenance manual. |
Event Date From | Date the event starts. Note: You can click |
Event Date To | Date the event finishes. |
Invite Date | Date that invitations to the event are to be sent. |
RSVP | Date that people have been requested to respond by. |
Cost | If a cost applies to the event, this shows the cost of the different types of ticket. You set the prices of the tickets on the Attributes tab. |
Max Attendance | Maximum number that can attend the event. This usually applies if the venue has a limit on the number of people that can use it. |
Max Tickets per Attendee | Maximum number of tickets an individual attendee can reserve through the Community Portal. |
Tickets Allocated | Number of tickets to the event that have been allocated so far. This is calculated from the Current Attendees tab, and is updated each time you add a new attendee. |
Tables Of | Type a number to set the number of attendees per table. |
Attire | Attire to be worn to the event. |
Comment | Free form comment about the event. |
Event Concluded | Click the Mark as Concluded button to set the flag once the event has been completed. The button changes to Mark as NOT Concluded. At a later time you can reverse the status of the event in order to add more attendees. It does not make past attendees current but allows you to bulk add more attendees. You then mark the event as concluded again, and, if the Bulk Movable flag is selected, you can transfer current attendees to past attendees. |
Button | Description |
Mark the selected event as concluded. This moves all current attendees to past attendees. | |
Change the status of a concluded event back to not concluded so that you can add additional people to the event afterwards. You cannot add attendees to a concluded event otherwise. |