Action Centre - Workflow tab

Use the Workflow tab to maintain task workflows. You can:

  • view and filter the existing workflow
  • start tasks
  • complete tasks.

 Opening the Workflow tab

To open the Workflow tab:

  1. Click .

    Note: The Action Centre icon displays a combination of red, green and blue flags depending on the currently active messages. It is located at the top right-hand side of the SynWeb window.

    The Action Centre Summary window is displayed.
  2. Click the  button.

     You can also click a link in the Action Centre Summary window to launch a specific message, task or alert in the Action Centre

    Tip: The Action Centre window can also be accessed by clicking System > Action Centre.

    The Description tab of the Action Centre window is displayed.
  3. Click the Workflow tab.
    The Workflow tab of the Action Centre window is displayed.

Action Centre - Workflow tab key fields



Extra Data to Display

Select fields in this area to display extra information on the workflow.
You can display:

  • statuses
  • allocations
  • linked records
  • estimated durations
  • % complete figures.