luTuitionVariation lookup table
luTuitionVariation lookup table
The luTuitionVariation lookup table is used to define types of variations from standard tuition payments.
This lookup table is used to populate the Tuition Variation field in the Auto Tuition tab of Debtor Fee Maintenance. See the Debtor Fee Maintenance - Auto Tuition tab in the Debtors manual.
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identifier for the tuition variation. |
Description | Description of the tuition variation. |
ChargeDescription | Description of the tuition payment. |
ChargeFrequency | Frequency of the tuition payment. |
FullFeeFlag | Whether the selected tuition variation type is full-fee paying. |
ModifiedDate | Date and time the lookup table entry was last modified. |
ModifiedUser | User that last modified the lookup table entry. |
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