Communications Maintenance - Past Recipients tab - Notification sub-tab

Communications Maintenance - Past Recipients tab - Notification sub-tab

Use the Notification sub-tab of the Past Recipients tab to maintain the methods of notification for the highlighted recipient. For example, the communication can be sent via both email and postal service.

Also, see the General sub-tab of the Communications Maintenance - Past Recipients tab.

 Opening the Notification sub-tab

To open the Notification sub-tab:

  1. Select Module > Development > Communications Maintenance from the main menu.
    The Set Communications Search Criteria window is displayed.
  2. Select the communication. See Searching for communications.
  3. Click the Past Recipients tab.
    The Past Recipients tab of the Communications Maintenance window is displayed.
  4. Select the recipient to maintain in the grid area.
  5. Click the Notification sub-tab.
    The Notification sub-tab of the Communications Maintenance window is displayed.

Communications Maintenance - Notification sub-tab - key fields and buttons



Notify Method

Default method for notifying the community members, if required. For example, notification can be via:

  • home, occupation or postal address
  • default, home or occupation email address
  • default, occupation or personal SMS number
  • no notification.
    The available notification methods are maintained in the luNotifyMethod lookup table. See luNotifyMethod lookup table in the System maintenance manual.

Notify Email Address

Email address used to send the communication.

You can check the Notify Method field to determine the type of email address used to send the communication. For example, EmailHome - Home email address.

Notify Date

Date that the recipient was notified.

Notify Process Number

This is a system generated number that is allocated to communications that have successfully been sent by email. The number is recorded in the SystemProcessControl table. If this number does not exist the email has not been sent. If it has been sent the number can be looked up in the SystemProcessControl table to determine the date and time sent.




Add a community member to the current communication, using the Find Name on Community window.

Delete the highlighted contact from the current communication.

Launch into Community Maintenance for the primary contact of the highlighted donor or prospect. See Maintaining community members in the Community manual.

Launch into Development Maintenance for the highlighted donor or prospect. See Maintaining donors and prospects.