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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Field(s) to check

On tab

Additional information


Gender is not M or F


Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab (Roll returns)


Date of birth is missing

Date of Birth

Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab (Roll returns)

112Date of birth format is incorrectDate of BirthCurrent Student Maintenance - Personal tab (Roll returns)


Date first attended at this school is missing

Entry Date

Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab (Roll returns)


Format of date first attended this school is incorrect

Entry Date

Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab (Roll returns)

Format of Entry Date is incorrect or the date is missing.


First schooling date format is incorrect

Initial Schooling Date

Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab (Roll returns)

Format of Initial Schooling Date is incorrect or the date is missing.


Student started too young

Initial Schooling Date

Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab (Roll returns)

Student at full primary school, contributing primary school or composite school has an initial schooling date less than or equal to the date of birth + 4 years and 43 weeks.

Date of Birth

Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab (Roll returns)


Needs date first started school

Initial Schooling Date

Current Student Maintenance - Entry tab (Roll returns)

Student at a full primary school, contributing primary school or composite school with a funding year level less than 9 needs the initial schooling date.

Year Level, Schooling Year Offset

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


Needs ethnic group

Ethnic Group 1

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)


Ethnic code is incorrect

Ethnic Group 1,
Ethnic Group 2,
Ethnic Group 3

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Check that the lookup table is correct. See Ethnic group.


ORRS and Section 37 code is incorrect

Resource Level

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Check that the lookup table is correct.


Funding year level is incorrect

Year Level, Schooling Year Offset

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Student at a special school, composite school or correspondence school does not have a funding year level between 0 and 15, inclusive. See Funding year levels.


Student type is missing

Student Type

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)


Student type is incorrect for this school type

Student Type

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Student at secondary school (either year 7-15 or year 9-15) has an incorrect student type. See Student type.


Adult must be older than 19 at 1 January of this year

Student Type

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Student type of AD, RA, TPAD, TPRAE, TPRAOM and age is less than 19 on 1st January. See Student type.

Date of Birth

Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab (Roll returns)


Should be coded as an adult

Student Type

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Student with type RE, who has not left, with resourcing level of Non-ORRS and Section 37 and with age at 1st January greater than or equal to 19. See Student type.

Date of Birth

Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab (Roll returns)

Resource Level

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


Should be coded as Teen Parent Enrolled Continuing Adult (TPRAE), Teen Parent Other Adult (TPAD) or Teen Parent Adult over max roll (TPRAOM).

Student Type

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Student with type TPRE or TPREOM, who has not left and with age at 1st January greater than or equal to 19. See Student type.

Date of Birth

Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab (Roll returns)


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

or NZAID funded



Field(s) to check

On tab

Additional information


Type of student 'Not attending' (NA) is incorrect for a school leaver. Enter correct student type at date of last attendance.

Student Type

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Student who has left, with student type of NA has been found with a leaving date between 2nd March 2019 and 1st March 2020 (inclusive).

Leaving Date

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


Citizenship code is incorrect

Country of Citizenship

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Check that the lookup table is correct. See Country of citizenship.


Students from New Zealand or Australia cannot be FF

Country of Citizenship

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Student type is FF and Country of Citizenship is New Zealand or Australia.

Student Type

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)


Fee for international fee-paying

student is missing. Enter fee charged, excluding GST, for this academic year

Tuition Variation Type

Current Student Maintenance - Debtor tab (Roll returns)

Student with student type of FF, that has not left, does not have a fee set up or the fee is zero. See Setting up tuition fees for international and full-fee students.

Note: This error is displayed for students whose leaving date is blank or dated after the roll count day. This accounts for students leaving during the roll returns submission period.

Student Type

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Leaving Date

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

ReasonCurrent Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


Student in primary level must be full-time


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Student is found with student type not equal to EM, not attending a Secondary Tertiary Programme, funding year level is less than 9 and FTE is less than 1.

Student Type, STP

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Year Level, Schooling Year Offset

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


FTE value must be between 0 and 1.0 inclusive


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)



Field(s) to check

On tab

Additional information


Student aged <16 at roll count date must be full-time unless attending a Secondary Tertiary Programme


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Student is found with student type not equal to EM, not attending a Secondary Tertiary Programme, age is less than 16 years on either roll count day and FTE is less than 1.

Student Type, STP

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Date of Birth

Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab (Roll returns)


Mäori-medium / Mäori language learning code is incorrect

Indigenous Language Level

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)

Check that the lookup table is correct.


Subject code [xxxx] is incorrect

Board Studies Code

Class Maintenance - General tab (Roll returns)

Student has not left, has a funding year level greater than or equal to 9 and one of the classes has an incorrect Board Studies Code during the March or  July roll return.

Launch from the Classes tab of Current Student Maintenance to each of the student's classes.

Check the Board Studies Code is valid for each class. Check the lookup table.

See Subject codes.

Grid area fields

Current Student Maintenance - Classes tab (Roll returns)

Year Level, Schooling Year Offset

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)



Field(s) to check

On tab

Additional information


Full-time student must have at least 1 subject

Grid area fields

Current Student Maintenance - Classes tab (Roll returns)

Student not at a special school, that has not left, student type not AE, NA, SA, SF, TPRE, TPRAE or TPAD has an FTE equal to 1, funding year level greater or equal to 9, with resourcing level of Non-ORRS and Section 37 must have at least one class defined during the March or July roll return.

Student Type

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Year Level, Schooling Year Offset

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Resource Level

Current Student Maintenance - NZMOE tab (Roll returns)


Date of Last Attendance format is incorrect

Leaving Date

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Contact Synergetic Management Systems as this error should not occur.


Date in last attendance field but no reason


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Reason is required if a leaving date is specified.

Leaving Date

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


Reason for leaving is not valid


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Check that the lookup table is correct. See Reason for leaving.


Student has reason for leaving but no last attendance date

Leaving Date

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Leaving date is required if a reason for leaving is specified.


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


Exempted or excluded student must be <16


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Student is found with reason of E or K and age is greater than or equal to 16 at the leaving date.

Exempted or excluded students must be less than 16 at the leaving date. See Reason for leaving.

Date of Birth

Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab (Roll returns)

Leaving Date

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)


Reason for leaving code is incorrect


Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)

Student is found with reason of L or X and age is less than 15 years and 9 months at the leaving date.

Date of Birth

Current Student Maintenance - Personal tab (Roll returns)

Leaving Date

Current Student Maintenance - School tab (Roll returns)
