Class timetabling Primary Time videos
Class timetabling Primary Time videos
The following videos are:
- organised based on class timetabling functions
- hosted on YouTube.
Click on one of the links to watch a video using YouTube.
Also see:
- Considerations when displaying Primary Time videos
- Available Primary Time videos
- General Primary Time videos
- Yard duty Primary Time videos.
To watch videos based on class timetabling functions, see:
- Defining timetable structures:
• Maintaining days, periods and breaks:
- Primary Time basic data menu (periods and breaks)
- Primary Time basic data menu (preventing doubles, triples and quadruples spanning breaks) (Advanced).
• Maintaining specialist teachers:
- Adding specialist teachers manually in Primary Time
- Creating a list of specialist teachers from Synergetic for Primary Time (Advanced)
- Importing specialist teachers into Primary Time
- Importing specialist teachers into Primary Time, highlighting problems
- Updating specialist teacher details in Primary Time
- Setting specialist teacher availability in Primary Time, assemblies (Advanced)
- Setting specialist teacher availability in Primary Time, part-time teacher (Advanced)
- Deleting specialist teachers with existing timetabling and yard duties from Primary Time (Advanced)
- Setting the availability of several specialist teachers in Primary Time (Advanced)
- Setting specialist teacher availability quickly in Primary Time, part-time teacher (Advanced)
- Modifying teachers in Primary Time
- Exporting teachers to Excel from the Teachers window in Primary Time (Advanced).
• Maintaining specialist rooms:
- Adding specialist rooms manually in Primary Time
- Importing specialist rooms into Primary Time
- Setting the availability of specialist rooms in Primary Time (Advanced)
- Modifying rooms in Primary Time
- Exporting rooms to Excel from the Rooms window in Primary Time (Advanced).
• Maintaining year groups:
- Adding year groups manually in Primary Time
- Importing year groups into Primary Time
- Moving difficult-scheduling year groups up in the order in Primary Time (Advanced).
• Maintaining specialist subjects:
- Adding specialist subjects manually in Primary Time
- Importing specialist subjects into Primary Time.
• Maintaining consecutive year groups:
- Adding consecutive year groups in Primary Time (Advanced)
- Adding extra consecutive year groups in Primary Time (Advanced). - Defining curriculums:
• Navigating curriculum:
- Using the Allocation menu.
• Allocating subjects, teachers and rooms to year groups:
- Removing data from the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time
- Copying removed data from the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time (Advanced)
- Inserting subjects on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time
- Inserting subjects on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, 6A
- Deleting subjects on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time
- Exporting all year group allocations to Excel on the Year Group Allocation tab (Advanced)
- Defining grade 1 representatives on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time
- Copying grade 1 representatives on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time
- Allocating specialist teachers on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, 6A
- Creating grades on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, grade 3 (Advanced)
- Creating grades on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, grade 4 (Advanced)
- Creating grades on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, grade 2 (Advanced)
- Creating grades on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, grade 5 (Advanced)
- Fixing incorrect teacher codes on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, part 1 (Advanced)
- Fixing incorrect teacher codes on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, part 2 (Advanced).
• Joining multiple subjects and year groups:
- Creating joins on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, 6A
- Manually placing subjects on the Schedule tab, second time (prep, grade 6 joins)
- Copying representatives on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, 6A-6C (Advanced)
- Allocating representative subjects on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, prep (Advanced)
- Allocating representative teachers on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, prep (Advanced)
- Adding join rotation subjects on the Year Group Allocation tab in Primary Time, prep (Advanced)
- Resolving triple time period on the Schedule tab, prep (Advanced).
• Cross-checking allocations:
- Using the Cross Check Teacher Allocation window
- Using the Cross Check Room Allocation window. - Scheduling:
• Using the Schedule tab:
- The effect of part-time specialist staff on the Schedule tab, Review legend
- Displaying all year groups on the Schedule tab
- Exporting schedules to Excel on the Schedule tab.
• Scheduling manually:
- Manually placing subjects on the Schedule tab, grade 6 sport join
- Manually placing subjects on the Schedule tab, prep rotation
- Reviewing manual joins on the Schedule tab, Review legend (Advanced)
- Swapping subjects between year groups on the Schedule tab (example 1) (Advanced)
- Swapping subjects between year groups on the Schedule tab (example 2) (Advanced)
- Moving subjects to unallocated cells of the same year group on the Schedule tab (Advanced).
• Scheduling using schedule availability:
- Scheduling literacy and numeracy programs on the Schedule tab, intro, preps (Advanced)
- Scheduling literacy and numeracy programs on the Schedule tab, intro, grade 1-2 (Advanced)
- Scheduling literacy and numeracy programs on the Schedule tab, intro, grade 3-4 (Advanced)
- Scheduling literacy and numeracy programs on the Schedule tab, intro, grade 5-6 (Advanced)
- Scheduling assemblies by year group on the Schedule tab, grade 5 (Advanced).
• Scheduling automatically:
- Running AutoPlace on the Schedule tab, 6A, Review legend (part 1)
- Running AutoPlace on the Schedule tab, 6A, Review legend (part 2)
- Running AutoPlace on the Schedule tab, 3C, Review legend
- Running AutoPlace on the Schedule tab, prep rotation join (Advanced)
- Running AutoPlace on the Schedule tab, before using 'not available'
- Running AutoPlace on the Schedule tab, after using 'not available'
- Clearing AutoPlace on the Schedule tab, before using 'not available'
- Clearing AutoPlace on the Schedule tab, after using 'not available'.
• Reviewing schedules:
- Recording join details on the Customise tab, prep rotation join
- Exporting customisations to Excel on the Customise tab (Advanced)
- Using the Class Preview tab
- Exporting class details to Excel on the Class Preview tab (Advanced)
- Using the Teacher Preview tab
- Exporting teacher class details to Excel on the Teacher Preview tab (Advanced)
- Using the Exception Preview tab
- Exporting exception details to Excel on the Exception Preview tab (Advanced).
• Changing timetables:
- Setting timetables that apply to several teachers in Primary Time. - Outputting timetables:
• Outputting reports, Master Exception Report to Excel
• Outputting reports, Master Class Report to Excel for Synergetic
• Outputting reports, Individual Class Report to Excel
• Outputting reports, Individual Teacher Report to Excel
• Outputting reports, Individual Room Report to Excel.
, multiple selections available,
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