Vendor RESTful API integrations
Supported vendor integrations are listed as per below.
Vendors will advise on the APIs they require which can be made available to them as per the directions at Synergetic Developer Portal
More details TBC
Funnel provides schools with a couple of different integration options with Synergetic. Either through the Synergetic Online Application via XML Import or the Synergetic API Community and Future student endpoints.
Further detail can be found at Synergetic XML vs API | Digistorm Support Hub
Guardian details are now available and expect to be included in a future update.
EnrolHQ offers a secure and user-friendly online enrolment system, simplifying the process for parents and school staff.
EnrolHQ to Synergetic Integration -
GET Lookup Tables
GET/POST/PUT Community
GET/POST/PUT Future Student
GET Student Contacts
GET Student
GET Student Record
GET Attendance
GET Timetable
My School Connect
Synergetic and My School Connect Integration
My School Connect is an online solution provider of cashless payment systems and POS integration across schools in Australia. This includes but is not limited to payment solutions for canteen, uniform stores, school events and fundraising. Rich in features with an easy-to-use interface, they offer a smart, simple, and reliable solution that integrates directly with Synergetic’s API which enables seamlessly merging cashless payments, online ordering and data synchronisation that benefits administrators, parents and students.
Requirements (70.18+)
GET Student
GET Student Contact