Configuring your Connected Stripe account to enable automatic email receipts

Configuring your Connected Stripe account to enable automatic email receipts

Enable sending receipts

  1. Log in to your stripe account.

  2. Select Settings in the top right corner of your Dashboard.

  3. Select Business Settings.

  1. Select Customer emails.

  2. In the Payments section toggle Successful payments.


Important: If you enable this feature, receipts for successful Stripe payments will be emailed for all transactions, such as Community Portal, Event Booking, and Application portal payments. The receipt will be emailed only for successful transactions. If payment fails, there will be no receipt emailed.

Customise Stripe receipts

You can customise Stripe receipts to include:

  • Icon

  • Logo

  • Brand colour

  • Accent colour

  • Customer Support details

The Customer support details and business name can be viewed/updated in Public Details.

Customise email

  1. Log in to your stripe account.

  2. Select Settings in the top right corner of your Dashboard.

  3. Select Business Settings.

  4. Select Branding and Email Receipts.

The customer support details are not going to be populated in the email preview. To verify the email is as expected, you can send the test receipt to your email address by clicking Send test receipt in the Email receipts tab.

Check your Public Details

  1. Log in to your stripe account.

  2. Select Settings in the top right corner of your Dashboard.

  3. Select Business Settings.

  4. Select Public details. The following fields might be used on your receipts

    1. Business name

    2. Customer support phone number – if populated and the Show phone number on receipts and invoices option is toggled

    3. Customer support address

    4. Customer support email

    5. Customer support URL

Step-by-step video guide:
