Configuring the Victorian Curriculum

To configure the Victorian Curriculum F-10:

  1. Load the pre-defined curriculum frameworks using the Subject Assessment Other Definition Maintenance window. See Loading pre-defined curriculum frameworks.

    You can load:

    • Victorian Curriculum including F-10 and A-D
    • Victorian Curriculum English as an Additional Language (EALVC)
     Religious Education (RE) framework (CEOVIC organisations only)
     Religious Education Renewed (REN) framework (CEOVIC organisations only)

  2. Load external system lookup table data into the luReportResultType lookup table. See luReportResultType lookup table.

    You can load:

    • Victorian Curriculum including F-10 and A-D
    • Victorian Curriculum English as an Additional Language (EALVC)
     Religious Education (RE) framework (CEOVIC organisations only)
     Religious Education Renewed (REN) framework (CEOVIC organisations only)

    See Loading lookup tables for external systems.

  3. Add the DNP (Did Not Participate) result to the luReportResultType lookup table. See Adding the DNP result to the luReportResultType lookup table.

  4. Load external system lookup table data into the luReportResultClassification lookup table. See luReportResultClassification lookup table.

    You can load:

    • Victorian Curriculum including F-10 and A-D
    • Victorian Curriculum English as an Additional Language (EALVC)
     Religious Education (RE) framework (CEOVIC organisations only)
     Religious Education Renewed (REN) framework (CEOVIC organisations only)

    See Loading lookup tables for external systems.

  5. Create Victorian Curriculum F-10 subject assessments. You can create new subject assessments by:

      Creating new subject assessments for each Victorian Curriculum F-10 subject. See Creating new subject assessments.
    Creating new subject assessment areas for each Victorian Curriculum F-10 subject assessment. See Creating new Victorian Curriculum F-10 subject assessment areas.

    Tip: You can also create subject assessment areas for entering the results students are expected to attain. See Creating subject assessment areas for entering expected results.

  6. Ensure the Show Result Classification field is selected for each Victorian Curriculum subject assessment on the Summary sub-tab of the Summary tab of Subject Assessment Maintenance. See Subject Assessment Maintenance - Summary tab - Summary sub-tab.

    Tip: You can complete this step faster by setting the Show Results Classification field value in bulk. See Setting field values in bulk.